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Moving and Accessing SAS Files across Operating Environments |
The OS/390 JCL Batch Program |
Although presented in four parts, the following program is designed as a single program. The parts perform these tasks:
Using PROC COPY to Create a Transport File |
The following example shows the first part of the program that creates three data sets in OS/390 format and translates them to transport format. For details in the SAS log that documents the execution of this program part, see Recording the Creation of Data Sets and Transport Files in the SAS Log.
Creating Data Sets and Transport Files
//XPORTTST JOB job-card-information //*---------------------------------------------- //* Run SAS step that creates a transport library //* for the three SAS test data sets. //*---------------------------------------------- //SASOUT EXEC SAS //*---------------------------------------------- //* Allocate the SAS XPORTOUT library. //* The XPORTOUT library should have the //* following data set information: //* Record format: FB //* Record length: 80 //* Block size: 8000 //* Organization: PS //*---------------------------------------------- //XPORTOUT DD DSN=userid.XPORTOUT.DAT, DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=8000), // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1)) //SYSIN DD * /*------------------------------------------*/ /* Assign the SAS test xport library */ /*------------------------------------------*/ libname xportout xport; /*------------------------------------------*/ /* Creates data set GRADES which contains */ /* numeric and character data. */ /*------------------------------------------*/ data grades; input student $ test1 test2 final; datalines; Fred 66 80 70 Wilma 97 91 98 ; /*-----------------------------------*/ /* Creates data set SIMPLE which */ /* contains character data only. */ /*-----------------------------------*/ data simple; x='dog'; y='cat'; z='fish'; run; /*------------------------------------*/ /* Creates data set NUMBERS which */ /* contains numeric data only. */ /*------------------------------------*/ data numbers; do i=1 to 10; output; end; run; /*------------------------------------*/ /* Copy the three test data sets to */ /* the XPORT library. */ /*------------------------------------*/ proc copy in=work out=xportout; run; /*
Transferring the Transport File across the Network |
The following example shows the generation of the FTP command file and the transfer of the transport file over the network to the target host. For details in the SAS log that documents the execution of this program part, see Recording the Transfer of the Transport File to the Target Host in the SAS Log.
Using FTP to Transfer Transport Files
//*------------------------------------------------- //* Generate FTP command file for sending XPORTOUT //* test library to the target host. //*------------------------------------------------- //FTPCMDO EXEC PGM=IEBGENER,COND=EVEN //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DUMMY //SYSUT2 DD DSN=userid.FTP.OUT, // UNIT=DISK,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=6160) //*------------------------------------------------- //* Ensure that the FTP commands specify a BINARY //* mode transfer. //*------------------------------------------------- //SYSUT1 DD * userid password cd mydir binary put 'userid.xportout.dat' xportout.dat quit /* //*---------------------------------------------- //* FTP library XPORTOUT to the target host. //*---------------------------------------------- //FTPXEQO EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,REGION=2048K,DYNAMNBR=50,COND=EVEN //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSIN DD * ALLOC FI(input) DA('userid.FTP.OUT') SHR FTP target-host (EXIT /*
Verifying the Accuracy of the Transport File |
The following example shows the verification of the transport file by transferring it from the UNIX target host to the OS/390 source host in native format. A successful translation from transport format to native OS/390 format verifies the accuracy of the transport file. For details in the SAS log that document the execution of this program part, see Recording the Verification of the Transport File in the SAS Log.
Verifying Transport Files
//*------------------------------------------------- //* The following steps retrieve the XPORTOUT library //* from the target host and read the three test //* data sets back into the WORK library. //*------------------------------------------------- //* Generates the FTP command file for getting //* the test library XPORTOUT from the target host. //*------------------------------------------------- //FTPCMDI EXEC PGM=IEBGENER,COND=EVEN //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DUMMY //SYSUT2 DD DSN=userid.FTP.IN, // UNIT=DISK,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=6160) //*------------------------------------------------- //* The FTP commands specify a BINARY mode //* transfer. Uses the LOCSITE command to define //* the correct XPORT library data set information. //*------------------------------------------------- //SYSUT1 DD * userid password cd mydir locsite recfm=fb blocksize=8000 lrecl=80 binary get xportout.dat 'userid.xportin.dat' quit /* //*---------------------------------------------- //* Connects to the target host and retrieves //* the library XPORTOUT. //*---------------------------------------------- //FTPXEQI EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,REGION=2048K,DYNAMNBR=50,COND=EVEN //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSIN DD * ALLOC FI(input) DA('userid.FTP.IN') SHR FTP target-host (EXIT /*
Using PROC COPY to Restore the Transport File |
The following example restores the transport file to native format on the OS/390 source host. For details in the SAS log that document the execution of this program part, see Recording the Restoration of the Transport File to the Source Host in the SAS Log.
Restoring the Transport File to Native Format
//*---------------------------------------------- //* Runs SAS step that reads the transport library //* and writes the three SAS test data sets to //* library WORK. //*---------------------------------------------- //SASIN EXEC SAS //XPORTIN DD DSN=userid.XPORTIN.DAT,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * /*----------------------------------------------*/ /* Assigns the SAS test library XPORTIN. */ /*----------------------------------------------*/ libname xportin xport; /*----------------------------------------------*/ /* Reads the transport file and writes the test */ /* data sets to library WORK. */ /*----------------------------------------------*/ proc copy in=xportin out=work; run; /*
Recording the Creation of Data Sets and Transport Files in the SAS Log |
Viewing the SAS Log at the OS/390 Source Host (Part 1 of 4)
The SAS System 11:03 Monday, October 26, 1999 NOTE: Copyright (c) 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software Version 6.09.0460P0304986 Licensed to SAS INSTITUTE INC., Site 0000000001. NOTE: Running on IBM Model 9672, IBM Model 9672, IBM Model 9672. NOTE: No options specified. /*----------------------------------------------*/ /* Assigns the SAS test library XPORTOUT. */ /*----------------------------------------------*/ libname xportout xport; NOTE: Libref XPORTOUT was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: XPORT Physical Name: JOE.XPORTOUT.DAT /*-----------------------------------------------*/ /* Creates data set GRADES which contains */ /* numeric and character data. */ /*-----------------------------------------------*/ data grades; input student $ test1 test2 final; datalines; NOTE: The data set WORK.GRADES has 2 observations and 4 variables. /*------------------------------------*/ /* Creates data set SIMPLE which */ /* contains character data only. */ /*------------------------------------*/ data simple; x='dog'; y='cat'; z='fish'; run; NOTE: The data set WORK.SIMPLE has 1 observations and 3 variables. /*------------------------------------*/ /* Creates data set NUMBERS which */ /* contains numeric data only. */ /*------------------------------------*/ data numbers; do i=1 to 10; output; end; run; NOTE: The data set WORK.NUMBERS has 10 observations and 1 variables. /*------------------------------------*/ /* Copies the three test data sets to */ /* the XPORTOUT library. */ /*------------------------------------*/ proc copy in=work out=xportout; run; NOTE: Copying WORK.GRADES to XPORTOUT.GRADES (MEMTYPE=DATA). NOTE: BUFSIZE is not cloned when copying across different engines. System Option for BUFSIZE was used. NOTE: The data set XPORTOUT.GRADES has 2 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: Copying WORK.NUMBERS to XPORTOUT.NUMBERS (MEMTYPE=DATA). NOTE: BUFSIZE is not cloned when copying across different engines. System Option for BUFSIZE was used. NOTE: The data set XPORTOUT.NUMBERS has 10 observations and 1 variables. NOTE: Copying WORK.SIMPLE to XPORTOUT.SIMPLE (MEMTYPE=DATA). NOTE: BUFSIZE is not cloned when copying across different engines. System Option for BUFSIZE was used. NOTE: The data set XPORTOUT.SIMPLE has 1 observations and 3 variables.
Note: The notes about SAS system option BUFSIZE do not
indicate an error condition. BUFSIZE specifies the permanent buffer size
for an output data set, which can be adjusted to improve system performance.
The system value that is assigned to the BUFSIZE option is used because the
XPORT engine does not support the BUFSIZE= option. See your operating environment
companion for details.
Recording the Transfer of the Transport File to the Target Host in the SAS Log |
Vewing the SAS Log at the OS/390 Source Host (Part 2 of 4)
EZA1450I MVS TCP/IP FTP V3R2 EZA1772I FTP: EXIT has been set. EZA1736I conn MYHOST.MYCOMPANY.COM EZA1554I Connecting to MYHOST.MYCOMPANY.COM, port 21 220 myhost FTP server (Version 4.162 Tue Nov 1 10:50:37 PST 1988) ready. EZA1459I USER (identify yourself to the host): EZA1701I >>>USER joe 331 Password required for joe. EZA1701I >>>PASS ******** 230 User joe logged in. EZA1460I Command: EZA1736I cd joe EZA1701I >>>CWD joe 250 CWD command successful. EZA1460I Command: EZA1736I binary EZA1701I >>>TYPE i 200 Type set to I. EZA1460I Command: EZA1736I put 'joe.xportout.dat' xportout.dat EZA1701I >>>SITE VARrecfm Lrecl=80 Recfm=FB BLKSIZE=8000 500 'SITE VARrecfm Lrecl=80 Recfm=FB BLKSIZE=8000': command not understood EZA1701I >>>PORT 10,253,1,2,33,182 200 PORT command. EZA1701I >>>STOR xportout.dat 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for xportout.dat. 226 Transfer complete. EZA1460I Command: EZA1736I quit EZA1701I >>>QUIT
Recording the Verification of the Transport File in the SAS Log |
Viewing the SAS Log at the OS/390 Source Host (Part 3 of 4)
EZA1450I MVS TCP/IP FTP V3R2 EZA1772I FTP: EXIT has been set. EZA1736I conn MYHOST.MYCOMPANY.COM EZA1554I Connecting to MYHOST.MYCOMPANY.COM, port 21 220 myhost FTP server (Version 4.162 Tue Nov 1 10:50:37 PST 1988) ready. EZA1459I USER (identify yourself to the host): EZA1701I >>>USER joe 331 Password required for joe. EZA1701I >>>PASS ******** 230 User joe logged in. EZA1460I Command: EZA1736I cd joe EZA1701I >>>CWD joe 250 CWD command successful. EZA1460I Command: EZA1736I locsite recfm=fb blocksize=8000 lrecl=80 EZA1460I Command: EZA1736I binary EZA1701I >>>TYPE i 200 Type set to I. EZA1460I Command: EZA1736I get xportout.dat 'joe.xportin.dat' EZA1701I >>>PORT 10,253,1,2,33,184 200 PORT command EZA1701I >>>RETR xportout.dat 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for xportout.dat(3120 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. EZA1617I 3120 bytes transferred in 0.198 seconds.Transfer rate 9.12 Kbytes/sec. EZA1460I Command: EZA1736I quit EZA1701I >>>QUIT
Recording the Restoration of the Transport File to the Source Host in the SAS Log |
Viewing the SAS Log at the OS/390 Source Host (Part 4 of 4)
NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software Release 6.09.0460P030498 Licensed to SAS INSTITUTE INC., Site 0000000001. NOTE: Running on IBM Model 9672, IBM Model 9672, IBM Model 9672. NOTE: No options specified. /*---------------------------------------*/ /* Assigns the SAS test library XPORTIN. */ /*---------------------------------------*/ libname xportin xport; NOTE: Libref XPORTIN was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: XPORT Physical Name: JOE.XPORTIN.DAT /*---------------------------------------------*/ /* Reads the transport file and writes the */ /* test data sets to the library WORK. */ /*---------------------------------------------*/ proc copy in=xportin out=work; run; NOTE: Input library XPORTIN is sequential. NOTE: Copying XPORTIN.GRADES to WORK.GRADES (MEMTYPE=DATA). NOTE: BUFSIZE is not cloned when copying across different engines. System Option for BUFSIZE was used. NOTE: The data set WORK.GRADES has 2 observations and 4 variables. NOTE: Copying XPORTIN.NUMBERS to WORK.NUMBERS (MEMTYPE=DATA). NOTE: BUFSIZE is not cloned when copying across different engines. System Option for BUFSIZE was used. NOTE: The data set WORK.NUMBERS has 10 observations and 1 variables. NOTE: Copying XPORTIN.SIMPLE to WORK.SIMPLE (MEMTYPE=DATA).
Note: The notes about the SAS system option BUFSIZE
do not indicate an error condition. BUFSIZE specifies the permanent buffer
size for an output data set, which can be adjusted to improve system performance.
The system value that is assigned to the BUFSIZE option is used because the
XPORT engine does not support the BUFSIZE= option. See your operating environment
companion documentation for details.
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Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.