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MACVAR= option
- SIGNOFF statement
- SIGNON statement
MACVAR= option, RSUBMIT command
MACVAR= option, RSUBMIT statement
many-to-one messaging relationships
member types, transferring (example)
MEMTYPE= option, PROC DOWNLOAD statement
MEMTYPE= option, PROC UPLOAD statement
merging data (example)
message attachments
- checking for "QUEUE_ACCEPT"
- checking for "QUEUE_COMPLETE"
- checking for "QUEUE_GETATT"
- defining
- subsetting
message attachments, error handling
message attachments, receiving
- catalog attachments
- data set attachments
- external file attachments
message attachments, SCL interface
- catalog attachments, receiving
- catalog attachments, sending
- data set attachments, receiving
- data set attachments, sending
- external file attachments, receiving
- external file attachments, sending
message attachments, sending
- accepting
- catalog attachments
- data set attachments
- external file attachments
- utility attachments
message queues
- closing "_close"
- closing "Close a Queue"
- closing "QUEUE_CLOSE"
- defining parameters "QUEUE_PARMTYPE"
- defining parameters "QUEUE_SETPARM"
- header information "QUEUE_GETHDR"
- header information "QUEUE_SETHDR"
- opening "_open"
- opening "Open a Queue"
- opening "QUEUE_OPEN"
- permissions
- properties "QUEUE_GETPROP"
- properties "QUEUE_SETPROP"
- properties "_setprop"
- querying "_query"
- querying "Query a Queue"
- querying "QUEUE_QUERY"
- receiving messages "QUEUE_GETFLD"
- receiving messages "QUEUE_RECV"
- receiving messages "Receive a Message from a Queue"
- security information "_getsec"
- security information "QUEUE_GETSEC"
- security information "QUEUE_SETSEC"
- security information "_setsec"
- sending messages to "QUEUE_SEND"
- sending messages to "_send"
- sending messages to "Send a Message to a Queue"
- sending SCL lists to
messaging services
- SEE: direct messaging
- SEE ALSO: indirect messaging
- SEE: AGENT class methods
- SEE ALSO: SCL methods, for remote objecting services
mixed-type variables, RLS restrictions
- command for invoking session for
MT= option, PROC DOWNLOAD statement
MT= option, PROC UPLOAD statement
MTYPE= option, PROC DOWNLOAD statement
MTYPE= option, PROC UPLOAD statement
Multi-Process (MP) CONNECT
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