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Syntax |
CALL QUEUE_GETPROP(queueId, rc, type, def, msgpsist, dlvrmode, crdt, depth, maxdepth, maxmsgl); |
Where... | Is type... | And represents... |
queueId | N | queue identifier |
rc | N | return code |
type | C | indicates what happens to a queue after the queue is closed |
def | C | defines how the queue was created |
msgpsist | C | message persistence enablement |
dlvrmode | C | message delivery mode |
crdt | N | queue creation date/time stamp |
depth | N | queue current depth |
maxdepth | N | queue maximum depth allowed |
maxmsgl | N | queue maximum message length allowed |
The QUEUE_GETPROP routine is used to retrieve the properties that are associated with a queue.
If an error or a warning condition is encountered, a non-zero return code is returned in the rc parameter. Use the SYSMSG() function to print the message that is associated with the non-zero rc.
The type parameter indicates if the queue is defined to be temporary or permanent.
The def parameter is used to specify if the queue is defined by using pre-defined attributes or dynamic creation attributes.
The msgpsist parameter indicates whether messages delivered to this queue will persist on the queue indefinitely or until they are explicitly fetched from the queue or until the queue is closed.
YES | Messages will persist. |
NO | Messages will not persist. |
The dlvrmode parameter indicates the queue's message delivery mode:
The crdt parameter is the date and time when the queue was created.
The depth parameter indicates the current number of messages on the queue (depth of the queue).
The maxdepth parameter indicates the maximum number of messages that can be held by the queue (-1 is unlimited).
The maxmsgl parameter indicates the maximum length of a message for the queue (-1 is unlimited).
This example prints the information that is obtained about a queue.
length type def msgpsist dlvrmode $20; length crdt depth maxdepth maxmsgl 8; call queue_getprop(qid, rc, type, def, msgpsist, dlvrmode, crdt, depth, maxdepth, maxmsgl); if rc = 0 then do; put 'Queue properties:'; put 'type = ' type; put 'definition = ' def; put 'msgpsist = ' msgpsist; put 'dlvrmode = ' dlvrmode; put 'creation date/time = ' crdt datetime.; put 'depth = ' depth; put 'maxdepth = ' maxdepth; put 'maxmsgl = ' maxmsgl; end; else do; msg = sysmsg(); put msg; end;
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