Antoine Simond

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Resource & Environmental Management


  • MSc, Marine ecotoxicology, Université du Havre
  • PhD, Biology, Université du Québec à Montréal

As far back as he can remember, Antoine Simond has always been fascinated by the marine environment and more particularly by cetaceans. His university career mainly took place  in France, his country of origin, and has always been linked to the marine world. In 2014, he started a doctoral project in biology (University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada) supervised by Jonathan Verreault (Université du Québec à Montréal) and Magali Houde (Environment and Climate Change Canada), and entitled: "Organohalogen contaminants in belugas and the Minke whales from the St. Lawrence Estuary: Temporal Trends and Potential Effects on the Endocrine System and the Metabolome ". During his doctoral project, Antoine specialized in toxicogenomics and metabolomics applied to marine mammals. Since August 2020, Antoine has started a postdoctoral fellowship under the supervision of Tanya Brown (DFO Vancouver and SFU), with whom he continues to specialize in marine mammal ecotoxicology. The two main objectives of this project are 1) to identify and monitor priority contaminants of concern (e.g., PCBs, PBDEs, inherited and commonly used pesticides, mercury, chloroalkanes) within the habitat (sediments) and the food web (prey) of the endangered St. Lawrence Estuary beluga population, and 2) to investigate the potential health impacts of organic contaminants inmarine mammals using multi-omics approaches.


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