Discover Physics @ SFU Fall 2022

Discover Physics @SFU

In Person, SFU Burnaby

Shrum Science Centre, Physics Department 9000 level, Room 9412 and Undergraduate Lounge

Friday October 21, 2022 (Pro-D day), 10 am-2:30 pm


10:00-10:20 Undergraduate Lounge, 9000 level: arrival, split into groups for lab tours, get the quiz
10:20-10:40 P9412 (1st Year Undergraduate Lab): Welcome to Physics@SFU, Prof. Levon Pogosian
10:40-12:30 Tours of research labs and Trottier Observatory
12:30-13:00 Undergraduate Lounge, 9000 level: FREE Pizza Lunch, mix with faculty and students
13:00-14:30 P9412 (1st Year Undergraduate Lab)

    13:00-13:20 Research talk 1: Prof. Nancy Forde, Building Protein Motors
    13:20-13:40 Research talk 2: Prof. Bernd Stelzer, Higgs Boson - A Portal to The Unknown
    13:40-13:50 What can you do with a Physics degree?
    13:50-14:20 Q&A with Physics Undergrad Panel
    14:20-14:30 Quiz results and prizes

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