
Quantum Technologies Enabled by Cavity-Optomechanics at Low Temperatures

Friday, 15 March 2019 02:30PM PDT
John Davis
University of Alberta
Quantum Technologies Enabled by Cavity-Optomechanics at Low Temperatures
Mar 15, 2019 at 2:30pm in AQ3159


The ability to fabricate devices that demonstrate quantum behavior, as opposed to being restricted to what nature has given us, has opened up the possibility of technologies based on the laws of quantum physics-archive instead of classical physics-archive.  The prime example of this is the superconducting qubit at the core of a quantum processor.  Another class of fabricated devices that are beginning to demonstrate quantum behavior is that of nanoscale mechanical resonators.  Such devices promise force and torque sensors operating at or beyond the standard quantum limit, and novel technologies such as quantum-level wavelength transducers.  I will tell you about our efforts to develop such technologies and some of the fun physics-archive we have uncovered along the way.

Prof. Davis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Alberta.  He obtained his Master's and Ph.D from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois in 2003 and 2008, respectively, studying superfluid 3He.  Before that he graduated summa cum laude in physics-archive from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.  He was awarded the Sloan Research Fellowship in 2013, a Discovery Accelerator in 2016, and has won a number of teaching awards at the University of Alberta.  He is currently director of the Quanta CREATE program funded by NSERC and Vice President of Resolved Instruments, makers of advanced digital photodetectors.