Thesis Defense

Spin Transport in an Ultra-cold Trapped Non-condensed (^87)Rb Gas

Tuesday, 11 September 2018 12:00PM PDT
Thesis Defense
SFU Physics
Spin Transport in an Ultra-cold Trapped Non-condensed (^87)Rb Gas
Sep 11, 2018 at 12PM


Ultra-cold trapped atoms with their high degree of tunability, provide ideal model systems to study physical phenomena with applications in many different fields of research. This work describes studies on spin transport phenomenon in a trapped ultra-cold spin-polarized 87Rb gas above quantum degeneracy. Diffusion is a fundamental dissipative process that tends to relax any system towards a state of minimum inhomogeneity. In this work we study longitudinal spin diffusion as a special case of spin transport. The system studied here consists of two anti-parallel longitudinal spin domains separated by a helical domain-wall. We report that the diffusion process manifests a significant deviation from classical diffusion due to purely quantum mechanical modifications.

The two-domain spin textures are prepared using optical and microwave pulse techniques, and the dynamics of the spin structure is studied as it relaxes towards the final equilibrium state. Generally, there is a wide range of parameter space that could be studied. In this work we focused our studies on the effects related to the degree of coherence in the domain-wall as well as the effective magnetic field acting on the spins. By controllably tuning these experimental parameters, we studied in detail how the spatiotemporal behavior of the diffusion dynamics is modified. Our results show that the longitudinal spin diffusion time scales depend sensitively on the domain-wall degree of coherence. External magnetic field gradients also alter the dynamics noticeably, manifesting a significant dependence on the sign of the applied field gradients.