MapleMeth is a regional methodology conference with the goal of engaging quantitative scholars both within and beyond Canada.

MapleMeth 2025 will be held June 28-29 2025, with a dinner for those interested on June 28. The event will be held on the Vancouver campus of Simon Fraser University.

The event is being sponsored by the SFU Department of Political Science, and the SFU Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and the Consortium on Electoral Democracy (C-Dem).

We invite proposals for papers and/or posters from graduate students and faculty. We expect to be able to devote at least 20-30 minutes to each paper, though the exact amount of time we have will depend on demand. Further, we encourage submissions not only from people developing new analysis tools, but also from people doing rigorous quantitative work with a substantive focus. 

The link below will take you to a form where you can submit your proposal. The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2025.

 MapleMeth Proposal Submission <link will go live in October 2024>

When the program has been set, we will provide information regarding conference registration, travel and accommodation. Graduate students will be eligible for travel stipends of $500-$1000, depending on originating location.

The organization committee is: 

Mark Pickup, Simon Fraser University

Eline de Rooij, Simon Fraser University

Matt Lebo, Western University

Please feel free to direct questions to