Preface Introduction
ΒΆThis course is designed for students specializing in business or the social sciences. Topics include a refresher in basic functions, their transformation and algebra; introduction to logarithmic exponential and trigonometric functions; the differential calculus topics limit, growth rate, derivative and differentiation applications such as related, rates, curve sketching and optimization as well as their application to business and economics; approximation methods such as linearization, differentials and Newton's Method; and functions of several variables including partial derivatives and extrema. The following Recommendations for Success in Mathematics are excerpts taken from the same named document published by Petra Menz in order to provide strategies grouped into categories to all students who are thinking about their well-being, learning, and goals, and who want to be successful academically. How to Take Lecture Notes: Listen to the Instructor, whoexplains the concepts;
draws connections;
demonstrates examples;
emphasizes material.
by arriving to the lecture prepared;
using telegraphic writing, i.e. packing as much information into the smallest possible number of words/ symbols (do you really need to copy all the algebraic/manipulative steps?).
! pay attention (possible exam material)
? confusing (read course notes or visit ACW )
-> practice (using course notes and online assignments)
underline/highlight key concepts
Acts responsibly
Sets goals
Is reflective
Is inquisitive
Can communicate
Enjoys learning
Is resourceful
Is organized
Manages time effectively
Is involved