On This Page
- 306-channel TRIUX™ neo MEGIN MEG system
- Whole head SQUID sensor array - 204 planar gradiometers and 102 magnetometers
- 1-5 kHz sampling rate
- Seated, reclined or supine patient positioning options
- Versatile options for pediatric or patient populations
- Zero helium boil-off recycling
- Video monitoring system
- Noise suppression and head movement compensation technology
- 64-channel integrated EEG
- Polhemus™ Fastrak 3D digitization system
- Vacuumschmelze® AK3B magnetically shielded room (2 layers of mu metal and 1 layer of aluminum)
Etymotic Research ER-3A Stereo audio transducers
Sony VPL-FHZ80 LCD Laser Projector with visual display screen
Digimeter™ DS7A
Up to four finger- or lip-mounted pneumatic actuators
Response devices
Optically connected Lumina response pad (four-button) from Cedrus®
- MEGIN Acquisition and Analysis software
- Presentation stimulus software from Neurobehavioral Systems
RF coils
Head 32-channel coil
Foot/ankle 8-channel coil
2x Flex M coil
Wrist 8-channel coil
T/R knee 16-channel coil
Head/neck 20-channel coil
Small extremity 8-channel coil
2x anterior (torso) coil
- MR compatible 32-inch LCD screen (for patient comfort and fMRI experiments)
- Pair of standard Philips headphones
Stimulus input/output
Lumina (Cedrus) response box
Set left/right hand set response two button pads
Software (stimulus delivery)
- NeuroBehaviouralSystems Presentation v 23.0, build 10.27.21
- Mathworks Matlab 2021b