Lab alumni

Evan Byrnes, SFU

Post-doctoral Fellow

  • Evan Byrnes is a physiological and behavioral ecologist, with a special interest in fishes. His work uses biotelemetry and biologging tools to explore the mechanisms that influence the behavioral patterns, movements, and spatial habitat use of animals. For this project, more specifically, he was exploring how flow velocity and complexity impacts the ability of Pacific salmon to swim upstream during their spawning migrations.  
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Jeff Larimer, SFU

Post-doctoral Fellow

  • Jeffrey Larimer uses a variety of field, numerical, and experimental techniques to study how sediment transport and progressive failure of bedrock cooperate to shape river channel morphology, landscape evolution, and aquatic life.
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Dan Murphy, SFU


  • Dan Murphy holds a BSc from the State University of New York at Oneonta studying Geology and Environmental Science. Dan was a Master's student in the River Dynamics Lab at Simon Fraser University studying riverbed dynamics and sedimentation patterns of the lower Fraser River.

Matteo Saletti, SFU

University Research Associate

  • Dr Matteo Saletti holds a Bachelor and Master Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Trento (Italy) and a PhD from ETH Zurich (Switzerland) also in Environmental Engineering. In the last five years he has been working both as a University researcher and as private consultant in several project focused on the geomorphology and hydraulics of gravel-bed rivers, channel stability, and river restoration, using both flume experiments, numerical modelling and field data.
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Erin Seagren, SFU

Research Manager

  • Erin Seagren is a tectonic geomorphologist whose research examines how tectonics and climate influence planform drainage reorganization, fluvial erosion rates, and the morphology of orogenic plateaus. Her PhD from the University of Toronto employed a combination of  field- and computer-based mapping, terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides, and statistical modelling to address fundamental questions of landscape evolution at plateau margins.
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Aaron Steelquist, SFU

Post-doctoral Fellow

  • Aaron Steelquist is a geomorphology researcher who grew up in Blaine, Washington. He holds a BS in Geosciences from Pacific Lutheran University and earned his PhD from Stanford University, where he studied the evolution of river systems on the Colorado Plateau in Arizona and Utah.
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Laurie Solkoski, SFU

Research Assistant

  • Laurie Solkoski was a BSc Environmental Science-Earth Systems student. Her role in the project involved MBES data cleaning and processing, cartography and bathymetry mapping using GIS applications, as well as analysis of geospatial data for various canyons along the Fraser river. The significance of this work is underscored by Jeff Larimer's perspective: 'Seeing the riverbed using multibeam data is kind of like being on the moon; no one has really seen the bottom of the entire Fraser River before.

Derya Whaley-Kalaora, SFU

Research Assistant

  • Derya Whaley-Kalaora was an Environmental Sciences Major in Applied Biology in her 3rd year at SFU. During this time, she assisted Aaron Steelquist in his landslide field work, and helped with field logs and various other tasks around the office. She was excited to gain experience working in research and having the opportunity to see first hand the interdisciplinary nature of environmental science in action.

Edward Anderson, SFU

GIS Technician  

  • Edward Anderson holds a MSc in Ecological Restoration from Simon Fraser University and the British Columbia Institute of Technology, for which he modeled tidal marsh channel development in the context of sea-level rise. His primary interests lie in hydrology, environmental information technology, and data management.  

Kyra Baird, SFU

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Amanda Si Kei lee, SFU

Undergraduate Research Assistant

  • Amanda Lee is interested in river geomorphology and hydrology. She is interested in exploring the intricate processes of sediment transport, channel morphology, and hydrological patterns. She aims to contribute to sustainable water resource management and environmental conservation.

Kate ostby, SFU

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Sonia Stambolian, SFU

Undergraduate Research Assistant