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  • December 05, 2023

    River Dynamics Laboratory members Dr. Jeremy Venditti, Dr. Julia Carr, Dr. Tingan Li, Dr. Aaron Steelquist, Max Hurson, Morgan Wright, Dan Murphy, Chloe Ross and Kyra Baird will present their current research project at the AGU meeting in 2023. The AGU meeting in 2023 will be held in San Francisco, California and online from December 11th-15th. Additionally, Dr. Jeremy Venditti and Dr. Julia Carr will be convening two sessions.

  • May 12, 2022

    A 2018 slide created a 5-metre waterfall north of Lillooet, blocking migration route. Geoscientists in British Columbia are returning to the scene of a massive landslide on the Fraser River to map its effects and assess the risk of future slides on salmon.

  • May 12, 2022

    A team of researchers from Simon Fraser University have returned to the scene of a massive 2018 landslide as part of a project aimed at preventing future extinction-level events.

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2022 BCSRIF Landslides and Salmon Project

2021 Atmospheric River, Landslides, and Flooding

Big Bar Landslide