Senate Committee on International Activities

Last updated: December 11, 2024

Standing Committee (Reporting Category "B")

Members Conditions Term Expiry Date Name
Vice-President, Research and International
Chair, Ex-officio     Rummana Khan Hemani
Vice-President, Academic (or designate) Vice-Chair, Ex-officio      
Associate Vice-President, Students & International (or designate) Ex-officio     Carolyn Hanna
Executive Director, SFU International Ex-officio     Shaheen Nanji
Faculty Member (Applied Sciences)

Elected by Senate*

2 years May 31, 2025  
Faculty Member (Arts and Social Sciences) 2 years May 31, 2025  
Faculty Member (Business Admin) 2 years May 31, 2026 Michael Favere-Marchesi
Faculty Member (Communication, Art & Technology) 2 years May 31, 2025 Elspeth Pratt
Faculty Member (Education) 2 years May 31, 2026 Steve Marshall
Faculty Member (Environment) 2 years May 31, 2025  
Faculty Member (Health Sciences) 2 years May 31, 2026  
Faculty Member (Science) 2 years May 31, 2026  
Faculty Member (Lifelong Learning)
2 years May 31, 2026  
Dean or Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Ex-officio (non-voting)     Mary O'Brien
Undergraduate Student (at-large)
Elected by Senate 2 years May 31, 2025 Moksha Dilip
Graduate Student (at-large) Elected by Senate 2 years May 31, 2025 Pok Man Tong
Recording Secretary 
Staff member, Office of the VP Research and International (non-voting)
    Jen Jackson
* In the event that the Faculty Member is unable to attend, the Faculty Dean is authorized to appoint an alternate replacement.

  • The Committee shall meet at least once each semester and at the call of the Chair.
  • Quorum shall be a simple majority of the voting members.
  • The Committee may strike sub-committees as required.
  • If a matter is urgent and a committee meeting cannot be arranged, the Chair is delegated the authority to approve and must report such approvals at the next meeting of the committee.

2025 Meeting Schedule

Please note:

  • Agenda items and supporting documentation must be submitted by the date indicated below to the SCIA Secretary at
  • All supporting documentation must be sent as an email attachment.
  • A representative for your agenda item must attend the meeting to answer any questions from the committee. All representatives should arrive when the meeting begins and be prepared to wait until called upon by the committee.
Date of Meetings Deadline for Submissions Location of Meeting Time of Meeting

February 6, 2025

January 23, 2025

ASB 10901 and Online (Zoom) 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Terms of Reference

  1. To ensure that proposals for international activities meet the conditions and criteria established by the University Policy on International Activities, and by the University Policy on Service Contracts.
  2. To ensure broad consultation prior to the final approval of any proposal covered by Policy GP 23 for which human rights considerations are likely to be a concern.
  3. To advise the President with respect to the desirability of entering into international agreements proposed to be undertaken by the University such as memoranda of understanding, contracts, contribution agreements, exchange agreements or similar documents.
  4. To approve policy and guidelines for international activities and agreements such as selection criteria for undergraduate and graduate student participation in international and domestic exchange programs, .field schools, and risk assessment guidelines.
  5. To report annually to Senate.
  6. The Associate Vice-President, Students will serve as Vice-Chair. The duties of the Vice-Chair will be to serve as Chair whenever the Chair is unavailable. 


  1. The Committee shall be provided with copies of international activity proposals and whatever other information is needed to administer this Policy, based on procedures to be determined by the Committee.
  2. Every proposal shall indicate that it has the approval of the appropriate Chair or Director and Faculty Dean and shall contain a statement of goals and objectives, a clear disclosure of the proposed activities and a budget.
  3. Proposals shall be submitted to the Secretary of SCIA for distribution to the Committee.
  4. The Committee shall review each proposal to ensure compliance with the University Policy on International Activities and shall recommend acceptance, modification or rejection to the President. Where approval of the Senate or the Board of Governors is required, the President shall inform the appropriate body(ies) of the Committee's recommendation.
  5. Where there is concern on the part of SCIA that any international activity which uses the University's name or resources may be in non-compliance with this Policy, the Committee shall be entitled to receive further information and shall report to the President regarding any violations that may be discovered.
  6. Copies of international activity contracts or other agreements shall be provided to SFU International where they shall be kept on file and be open for inspection by members of the University community.

Annual Reports

Meeting Minutes