5. Spatial Analysis

For my analysis, I did a Multi-Criteria-Evaluation. In order to do this, I first of all had to look at the two cities, Abbotsford and Surrey, in order to see, which factors are actually important for the resettlement of refugees, to provide the so most suitable surrounding....

Unemployment Rate in %
Average Rent Labour Force in Education in % Age Range of 30-34 in %
Visible Minority in %
Port Hardy
Prince George

Analysis:- Reclassification for Non-Boolean Standardazation
The first step of my MCE was to RECLASS the 5 rasterfiles again, in order to rescale them into a range of 255-0, 255 for the best fitting value. This rescaling method gives a new rating to each category.

Unemployment rate- I divided 255 through the four categories (9-12%) and then assigned 255 for the lowest unemployment rate, etc....The category 11% is not existing, so I reclassed it as 0.
Rent- I assigned the value 255 for the cheapest rent....
Education- A percentage of 9 was reclassed as 255, 8% as 191 and 6% as 85, 7% did not exist, soi gave it the value 0.
Age and Visible Minority have been reclassed in the same way.


Extremely important
As I have stated in the beginning, 70% of the refugees are either unemployed or students, so their economic situation is not very good. It might be worsened by the fact, that they will get supported financially only for two years (which were over in 2001). The unemployment rate in Abbotsford and Surrey is 10%, but still it would make sense for the government, to look for a city with a lower unemployment rate. Therefore I weighted this factor very high, regardless of the situation in Abbotsford and Surrey.
Also the average rent in the two cities is very high, compared to e.g. Port Hardy.
I took not in consideration, that the refugees were actually living in communities with higher rent, but considered this factor of importance due to their economic situation, as well.

Very strongly important

The percentage of visible minorities in the two cities differs extremely, but as the majority of refugees live in Abbotsford (15 in regard to only 6 in Surrey), this factor seems to be important.

Less important

The percentage of labour force in education of 5% and 6% in the two cities is not too high, compared to Port Hardy. So why would the refugees be resettled or stay there? As a number of refugees do not have any employment, this factor can bee seen as important, so that it limits their opportunities to find work. On the other hand, this factor does only implicitly state something about the actual job offerings in educational services, because it only tells how many people working in that field live in a city, not how many jobs there are. Another argument against its importance could be, that not many refugees actually get the chance to work in their former professional field in Canada.

Least important

Least important to me is the average age of the population. As the number of people I have data of is so very small, the average age does not really tell anything. In this case there is the probability that their real age is not very much coresponding to the average age of 34 years.

MCE:-Final Result
final result

Due to the result of my analysis, Port Hardy is the most suitable city for the resettlement of Kosovo/ar refugees. This result is very much limited and to be seen critically:

The problem with these reclassifications is, that they are very subjective, due to the fact, that I did not see any connection between the resettlement of the refugees and the factors, that I had decided on. I had to decide to - either weight them considering the results looking at Abbotsford and Surrey- but how should I have weighted them-the refugees were resettled in cities with relatively high rents, unemployment rates and a low percentage of people working in educational services and a percentage of people in the age between 30 and 34 that only differed within one (8-9%) percent, - or disregard my findings there . So I weighed the factors very subjectively, except for the relation to visible minorities which could be seen in Abbotsford.

But I did also want to point out my result including the observations in Abbotsford and Surrey, therefore I weighted the factors again, including the fact, that there was a correlation only between the resettlement and the presence of visible monorities:


  and I came up with the following result, which did not differ very much from the first:   

3.Data collection

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