6. Methedological and Operational problems....

The final result !?
final result

Many of the problems that occured during the creation of this project, I have already mentioned. So I will summarize shortly the most important points:


I think this project is, despite its shortcomings concerning the result, very interesting and could be extended with the 2001 census data, even on a lower level than "CSD". There could also be more factors included, e.g. the distribution of schools and the availability of post-secondary education, regarding the possiblity, that the refugees' "average former job" was really in educational services.
The fact that resettlement of refugees is influenced by more factors, than those that can be measured with census data, made coming up with factors and doing an analysis very difficult. I do have a final result, but what does it tell me? Aren't for example politics more important for the choice of a location, than the average age of the cities' population? And how can factors like that be measured and converted into a map? So the result of my analysis has many shortcomings, but the problems that occured can tell more about the whole project, than the actual result of "Port Hardy".


3.Data collection
