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Analysis:       Criteria 1      Criteria 2 & 3      Criteria 4

Criteria 1: General Land use

I set a restricted buffer zone for school and parks as 500 meters which almost covered most of the city Vancouver, Burnaby and Coquitlam.  These are the most high resistance factors on decision making.  From the map, the black area seems should be a possible site.

Besides the School zone and parks, another high resistance factors is the distance form commercial area.  When add all three factors together (as show in the map), the restricted area are even more crowded, but there are still some suitable area (in black) outside those buffer zone.

However, after adding the last factor of residential areas, the whole map is mostly covered which included city of Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, North and West Vanoucver etc.  Although, there are still many black areas, most of them are water surface, mountains, rural areas, airports or not suitable area.   From this map, it would be impossible to find an area without overlaying on the buffer zone of school, parks, commercial and residential.  Distance from these institutional services are very important but it is not a good criteria to determent the location for homeless shelters because they are not specific enough.  It could be use as one of the consideration factors

On the other hand, I also do a fuzzy area for school zone, park zone and commercial.  The map is less restricted with increasing suitability as the distance increase.  Again, the whole urban is cover which leaves very little suitable land to locate.   One addition point, the residential area are not included here because the whole GVRD is covered with residents and doing the fuzzy is meaningless if the only answer is up into the mountain or down to the sea.



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