My name is Peter Schaub.
I had to write that at the top of this page to comply with the requirements for this lab assignment. As soon as it is handed in, I am changing it. So there.

    To your left is a giant picture of my eye.
    Um... you may have noticed its presence.
    Two years ago, I was meandering down the hallways of Langara with a friend of mine, and a photography student came up and asked us if she could take our pictures for an assignment she was doing. I said okay, and so she did. Snap. Later on she gave me this really cool set of head shots. Ta da.
    If you want, you can download it and use it as wallpaper on your computer. You will have to take it over to Photoshop or something and stretch it.. Actually I am trying to figure out how to use it as a background for this page - Composer always tiles these images, and instead I want to stretch it out and have it fill up the whole screen. That would be really creepy, huh?

    Anyway, the next part of this lab assignment was to write a paragraph describing myself. Well, actually, I cheated. My friend Ann was sitting next to me during this lab, and - being the little gremlins that we are - we decided it would be fun to describe each other. So here goes:

    I'm a pretty flexible guy.  When I'm not swinging from branch to branch in the biology research forest, or leaping from rooftop to rooftop on the Science buildings, I'm overseeing the production of iodine-free Astroprojectors!.I've got a great sense of humour and keep everyone wondering what kind of fun, anti-establishement, public stunt I'm going to perform next.  I'm also a multitasker:  I can cook some mean vegetarian dishes while reading The Lorax, inspecting spiderwebs, contemplating Euler's third postulate, and drawing some of the coolest topographical wallpaper ever.  I'm also mastering the art of yoga...I was drawn in by the smoky scent of the incense and I've been saluting the sun ever since.  In the future, I hope to revamp the Canadian parliamentary system.  Just kidding.  I'd rather kayak around Vancouver Island with my buddy Ann.  Anyways, all I have to say is:  Watch out world!  I have Facilities Management living in constant fear that I'll change from Astroprojectors!production to manure/wildflower grenade production.  Soon CANFOR will understand that fear!

    My name is Peter Schaub, my hair is hairy and my books are in my bag. I enjoy cultivating irrationality in others.
    I'm in Geography at SFU. After I'm all done in Geography at SFU I might be in Resource and Environmental Management at SFU. Alternatively, I might be in Environmental Law at Victoria. Or I might be in Planning at Waterloo.

    You should probably know that this is a temporary web page. This page itself is a little non-creative and probably not very interesting... It was developed in a Geography 355 lab at SFU, and is the major part of a lab assignment that we're supposed to do. So there.

    My musical tastes are really varied. I generally listen to just about anything except for rap, or country. I sing along with New Order (where possible), the B-52s, A Flock of Seagulls, Verdi, Karl Orff, Tschaikovsky, and the Pumpkins. But even that is only a very minor representative sample.

   If you want to buy me anything, I would really like a kayak right now.
In fact, if you are reading this, you are subject to a new law I have enacted requiring you to buy me the kayak shown to the right. It is a Telkwa by Nimbus, produced in Pitt Meadows, BC.

    Please deliver it care of the Geography Student Union, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC,. Canada, V5A-1S6

    So, enough aimlessness. In acordance with the requirements of this lab I am doing, I am going to talk about my project. Whoo hoo!
    Let's link you to my project right now!

Or, else... If you want... you can go to the page I made about our snowshoeing trip!

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