Spot the Snowshoer...

    In the 2000 Spring semester, various members of the  Geography Students' Union  went on a snowshoeing trip to Cypress Provincial Park. After hiking up to a ridge, we settled in and had lunch. One of us had the presence of mind to take a PICTURE... Which was later hijacked by another intrepid geographer and scanned.

As you can see, we all look pretty twisted. There are little teeny tiny bits of white and black everywhere, and our faces are obscured beyond belief. Many of us are nearly unrecognizable.

    So, now it's time for the sales pitch... yes - you, yoo can have YOUR face obscured and twisted in silly photographs... No, just kidding.

    This is what happens, I suppose, when you mercilessly run a regular photograph through a WHOLE BUNCH of really nasty spatial filters... Here's the challenge to all GSUers...
    Below, you'll see a "key" image with the locations of our heads indicated. The heads, as you can see, have been numbered... The challenge here is... can you match the numbers with the names?

    I guess I should give credit right about now to Victoria Stevens, who took the original picture, and to some other guy who... um... did the rest. Actually that was me. I am also still collecting images to mesh with the original photograph... I'd like to replace some of us with animals - or, the heads at least. Stay tuned.


So... you get the idea. If you think you've got it... send an email to, listing the numbers and the names you think correspond to them. Anyone is eligible, and guess what... there's no prize! Ha! ha!... At least, none that I've thought of thusfar. How about bragging rights?

Gooooood luck!

            - Peter