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Theoretical Example of Anisotropic Precipitation

Consider a hypothetical landscape that consists of a sloped plane. Precipitation stations are distributed in a random fashion over this surface. Now imagine that there is a direct, perfect correlation between elevation and precipitation over the entire landscape. That is, precipitation levels are completely explained by elevation. For example, consider the interpolation of precipitation for a point between station A and station B. If the unsampled point is exactly midway between the two stations, then its elevation and precipitation will be the averages of the two stations. In fact it can be further illustrated, as shown in Figure 19, that the precipitation level can be determined solely by reference to the distance to neighbouring stations along the same axis as the maximum variation in elevation (and therefore precipitation). In this case variation along the perpendicular axis is zero. The end result is that despite a 100% correlation between elevation and precipitation, there would be absolutely no benefit from the inclusion of elevation as a model input because the effect of elevation is implicitly contained within the spatial distribution of stations and their precipitation values.

Although this is an extreme example, the current study does reflect these idealized conditions to some degree. The elevation surface of the GVRD does not correspond to a plane but it could roughly correspond to one if examined at a very coarse resolution. The north-south trend in elevation is very pronounced and additionally there is in fact significantly less of a trend in elevation along the east-west axis. This is shown in Figure 20. Due to the relatively high correlation between elevation and precipitation, the same pattern can also be observed within the precipitation data (Figure 21). These figures reveal that the variation of both elevation and precipitation are both strongly anisotropic. Anisotropic describes the condition in which there is a coherent relationship between variation and direction, therefore indicating that variation in orthogonal directions should not be weighted equally in the model environment. However, isotropic models were employed in both the IDW and Cokriging methods applied in the current study. Future work should include anisotropic modeling as it is expected that this could improve interpolative performance significantly.

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