Metro Vancouver Fire Hazard Profile

About Me

I am a 4th year Geographic Information Science student, formerly a Computing Science student. As a result of that previous background, I am somewhat obsessive about best practices when it comes to various computer-related aspects, such as... web design! This page is designed to be compliant with XHTML 1.0 Strict, with a layout that is function with text-only browsers, and should (generally) work with most combinations of browsers and screen resolution. (Yay?)

Not entirely sure what my interests are in relation to GIS - probably something on the software side. I'll be doing a co-op term with Safe Software, a company that makes a spatial data translator, so perhaps that will give me some idea what I'd like to do in the future. Non-academic interests include music, martial arts, and... World of Warcraft. (Please do not bring angry mobs or pitchforks, most gamers are normal people too!)

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