Spatial Analysis

Constraint: ALR Area

Boolean Image of ALR Areas:

Factor 1: ALR area patch size


ALR patches:

ALR area converted to a fuzzy set:

Factor 2: Population Density Distance

Population Density:


Population density reclassed:

Boolean image of the areas of highest density:

High Density Distance:

High Density Fuzzy Distance:


Factor 3: Road Network

Raster Road Network Image:

Road Distance :

Fuzzy Road Network Distance:


Factor Weights:

Weighting Module Interface in IDRISI:

Inputing the values into the table generated the following weights:

area, patch size : 0.0719
Fuzzy Road Distance: 0.2790
Fuzzy High Density Distance: 0.6491

MCE Analysis output image:

Reclassed Risk Index:

