
After performing a MCE, the following images were created. These images show on a scale the areas that are most suitable for golf course development in each situation. To further anaylze this, I wanted to isolate the plots of land that had the highest suitability for golf course development. Typically golf courses have a size between 50 to 60 hectares (Gange, Lindsay & Schofield, 2003). This translates to roughly 120 to 150 acres. I used this estimate of golf course size as a criterion to determine which highly suitable areas within Metro Vancouver could sustain golf course development. In the MCE there might be areas that have a high suitability but because the plots are not large enough a golf course cannot be built. To isolate the suitable golf course areas, I took the top 25% from the suitability ranges of the MCE results for each situation. For example, in the golf tourism MCE, the suitability range goes from 0 to 248. The top 25% of this range is from 186 to 248. This suitability range determined which areas were most suitable. After finding the top 25% of suitability, then the GROUP module was used to divide the area into groups. Then the AREA module was used to calculate the area of each group of land. When the area's were calculated I found the land areas that were at least bigger than 120 acres. Finally these areas were isolated using the ASSIGN module.

Situation #1 - Golf Tourism

For Golf Tourism, there were 3 suitable land areas for the construction of a new golf course. They measured in size of 120.35, 127.47, and 207.78 acres.

Situation #2 - A Golf Course Developer

From a golf course developers perspective, there were 5 suitable land areas for the construction of a new golf course. They measured in size of 125.47, 130.14, 158.39, 248.71 and 307.22 acres.

Situation #3 - Golf Course Development For Local Golfers

From the local golfers perspective, there are 3 suitable land areas for the construction of a new golf course. They measure in size of 125.47, 127.69 and 190.87 acres.

Methodological & Operation Problems