Data Collection


Data Name Format Source
hawaii_coast Shapefile

alish_83 Shapefile

fire_risk Shapefile

hotels Shapefile

lulc Shapefile
tsunevac Shapefile
vhZones Shapefile
tePlant Shapefile
major_roads Shapefile
restrictedWatersheds Shapefile

contours Shapefile


Hawaii_coast.shp – This file was converted into an IDRISI vector file made up of a single polygon that outlined the shape of Hawaii’s Big Island. It was then converted this into raster format with 2306 columns and 1943 rows.

Alish_83.shp – This file contained information about agricultural areas of importance in Hawaii. This file was converted into a vector file made up of a series of polygons that marked these areas. It was then converted into raster format using the parameters from the Hawaii_coast raster file. The values for this file, however, corresponded to the polygon IDs from the original shape file, so it was necessary to create an AVL file from the alish_83.vlx using the column with the agricultural importance values. ASSIGN was then used to reassign the raster files values.

Fire_risk.shp – This file contained information about the fire risk of certain areas of Hawaii rated from High to Low. This file was converted into a vector file made up of polygons. It was then converted to raster format using the parameters from Hawaii_coast.rst. Before the rating values could be assigned to the raster file, it was necessary to convert the text-based rating system to an integer-based one. This was done by creating a new row in the file’s database and assigned the numbers as follows:
“N/A” = 0
“Low” = 1
“Medium” = 2
“High” = 3
Then an AVL file was created and ASSIGN was used to change the raster files values.

Hotels.shp – This file contained information about the locations of each of the hotels on the island. It was converted into a vector point file and then into raster format.

Lulc.shp – This file contained all the landuse information for the Big Island. This was converted into a vector polygon file and then into raster. Then, an AVL was made using the landuse category of its vector link file and ASSIGN was used to change the raster values into a useable format.

Tsunevac.shp – This file contained information about the locations of areas that need to be evacuated in the event of a tsunami. It was converted into a vector polygon file and then into raster format.

vhZones.shp – This file contained information about the volcanic hazard zones for the island. It was converted into vector polygon format and then into raster. Then an AVL was created with the zone categories from the vector link file and ASSIGN was used to change the raster values.

tePlant.shp – This file contained information about the concentration of threatened or endangered plant species for the island. It was converted into a vector polygon file and then into raster. This vector link file contained a text-based rating system, so it was necessary to create a new row with integer values for the ratings:
“O” (little or no E&T plants) = 1
“L” (low concentration) = 2
“M” (medium concentration) = 3
“H” (high concentration) = 4
“VH”(very high concentration) = 5
The AVL was then created and ASSIGN was used to change the raster file’s values.

Major_roads.shp – This file showed the locations of all the major roads on the island. It was converted into a vector line file and then into raster format.

restrictedWatersheds.shp – This file showed the locations of all the protected watersheds on the island. It was converted into vector polygon format and then into raster.

contours.shp – This file showed a contour map of the island with 100 meter intervals. It was converted into a vector line file and then into raster. AVL was then created using the elevation values from its vector link file and ASSIGN was used to change the raster values.

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