Errors and discussion
The project and analysis produced results that shows areas of Vancouver that have the highest suitability. However, this does not mean that these results are exact nor does it mean that they are without errors. When data is aggergated, overlayed or has any alterations made to it little errors can occur. Most of the errors that occured in this project are related to the data preperation. Also because the data used was secondary data there is no way to know how many errors there are in the data.
Clipping of attributes in ArcMAP to select to only bus stops, or skytrain stations in Vancouver may have not included bus stops or skytrain stations that were on border between Vancouver and Burnaby, or it could have included data which should have been excluded.
The Census data for population, mode of transportation, and income was all aggregated and then divided to create a percent representation of the data. When the data was being aggregated or divide if a piece of the data was not included it would miss represent the final results.
Geocoding the Starbucks locations could have resulted in a number of errors. Firstly addresses may have been incorrectly written down meaning a different location was geocoded, and when the latitude and longitude coordinates were put into the excel document they also could have been put in incorrectly.
The bus stops data that was used for this project was from 2001. This means that certain bus stops may no longer exist and that new ones may have been added. The results found are based on older data and therefore there is a greater chance of changes occuring to the data.
The project for the most part went smoothly however, no matter how careful you are there are always errors which occur to data and maps.