Data provided more in-depth background research about the study site. Canada Land Inventory (CLI) classifications and primary tree species were examined from this data.
Map title: Canada Land Inventory Level-I
Date 1999
Original map scale: 1:250000, except for British Columbia where the original scale was 1:125000
Resolution: ~25 meters
Authors: The National Archives of Canada; Statistics Canada; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Source: Canada Land Inventory
Data provided soil associations for the study area.
Map title: Hanceville 92O/NW Chilcotin River 92O/NE National Soil DataBase (NSDB)
Date: Wed Oct 4 2000
Original map scale: 1:100000
Authors: National Soil DataBase, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Source: Detailed soil surveys for BC
Data consists of terrain elevations for ground positions at regularly spaced horizontal intervals.
Map title: DEM (92O)
Original map scale: 1:250000
Resolution: 25m intervals
Authors: Base Mapping & Geomatic Services Branch, Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
Source: requested from Base Mapping & Geomatic Services Branch, Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management (MSRM) for Research / Educational Use only
Data was used for cartographic visualization of water bodies. Hydrological polygon features was included with the soil data (see above).
Buffer distances were calculated from the river line.
Map title: 092O
Original map scale: 1:250000
Source: Hydrological line features were obtained from Simon Fraser University SIS Lab on S:\Data Warehouse\NRCan NTS BC Mapsheets\nts250k\SHP
^ topMost of the data preparation was done in ArcGis 9.
ArcInfo interchange files (*.e00) were converted with FME Universal Translator to ArcGis 9. The DEM was converted from gridded DEM in *.grd and *.csv format into ArcInfo grid format. This procedure was preformed, in ArcInfo, running an AML script prepared by Jasper Stooley (Dept. of Geography, Simon Fraser University).
Datums were transformed from NAD27 to NAD83 using ArcToolbox>Project>geographic transformation: NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_NTv2_Canada. Output coordinate systems were changed to BC Albers projection using ArcToolbox.
Vector data input features were clipped, using ArcToolbox, to a blank polygon shapefile of the study area. The DEM was clipped by setting a rectangle of the study area’s maximum and minimum coordinates.
Shapefiles were converted IDRISI vector layers using the built-in import tools found in IDRISI. To import the DEM into IDRISI, the GRID files were first converted, using ArcToolbox, to ASCII format (text files). Vector layers used in this analysis were over-sampled to match the DEM’s 25-meter cell resolutions.
Using the DEM, slope and aspect was determined with IDRISI’s surface analysis. Slope was expressed as integral percentage (e.g. a slope of 45° is equivalent to a slope of 100%). Aspect is expressed in integral cardinal degrees, with true north at 0°.
Soil data were quantified and ranked from soil descriptions to a tree species suitability index. This ranking (as shown below), from 0 to 10 (1 being the less suitable and 10 being the most suitable), was based on the critical attributes of the tree species. This quantification was done in MS Excel.