Reforestation multi-criteria evaluation: a GIS environmental indirect approach

Data analysis

All the spatial analysis was preformed in IDRISI Kilimanjaro. The corresponding factor results from the MCE, for each species, are shown below. Click on the thumbnails to view full size images.


Elevation factor

Elevation factor

Aspect factor

Aspect factor

Slope factor

Slope factor

Proximity to river

Proximity to river




Elevation factor

Elevation factor

Aspect factor

Aspect factor

Slope factor

Slope factor

Proximity to river

Proximity to river



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The results from the MCE:

Pine MCE result

Pine MCE result

Spruce MCE result

Spruce MCE result

The results from the MCE were draped with the DEM to provide an alternative perspective.

Pine MCE ortho

Pine MCE drape

Spruce MCE ortho

Spruce MCE drape

The results from the MCE were normalized by dividing each pixel digital number by its maximum. Since the entire cut block is to be replanted with trees (i.e. no area is to be left as bare land), ratios were developed. The darker the output indicates the higher species ratio to be planted. For example, in the lodgepole pine to white spruce ratio, the southwest corner is to be planted at a ratio of ~9:1. In areas of white, there is an inverse, and the other species have the higher ratio. View the other map for an output species ratio.

Pine to spruce ratio

Pine to spruce ratio

Spruce to pine ratio

Spruce to pine ratio

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< Methodology | Discussion >