The Most Suitable Location to Grow Ginseng
in Southern British Columbia
Conceptual Outline
Data Collection
Spatial Analysis

The most suitable location to grow ginseng was examined using GIS processes.  The model which describes the processes, explains the steps taken in IDRISI to produce the two most suitable locations for a Commercial grower and a Traditional grower.

Commercial Point-of-view

This is the final map produced to depict the most suitable location to grow ginseng for a commercial grower.  The highest suitability is shown by the deep red colors.  From the map, it is shown that areas in the Okanagan would be most suitable, followed by areas in the Fraser Valley.  These red areas show regions which have warmer temperatures, less precipitation, lower slopes, and landcovers of cropland and rangeland. 


Traditional Point-of-view

This is the final map produced to depict the most suitable location to grow ginseng for a traditional grower.  The highest suitability is shown by the deep red colours.  From the map, it is shown that areas in the Okanagan would be most suitable.  These red areas show regions which have warmer temperatures, less precipitation, lower slopes, and landcovers with various forest types.    


In Conclusion
Both methods of determining the best location for growing ginseng produced images with similar results.  It is evident that the environmental conditions in the Okanagan provide the best conditions for growing ginseng.   It is proven that the areas in which growers are already starting operations, are the most suitable locations for growing ginseng.  
