The Most Suitable Location to Grow Ginseng
in Southern British Columbia
Conceptual Outline
Data Collection
Spatial Analysis
   Spatial Analysis

Weight Linear Combination (WLC) method was used to determine the most suitable location to grow ginseng.
Separate analysis was done for the criteria for the Commercial Point-of-view and the Traditional Point-of-view
All four factors were used to create fuzzy images and then weighted according to there importance in the analysis.

   Commercial  Point-of-view

This is the image created for the landcover,
 FuzzLandcover.  It is a fuzzy map demonstrating
the suitable areas (0-least suitable and
255- most suitable).This represents the most
suitable place to grow ginseng from a
commercial growers view point.

This image was created to represent temperature, called FuzzTemperature.
It is a fuzzy map demonstrating the suitable areas (0-least suitable and 255- most suitable).  The control
 points started at -4 C to 3 C,
therefore eliminating all temperatures below -4 C from the analysis.

This image was created to
represent precipitation, called
FuzzPrecipitation.It is a fuzzy
 map demonstrating the suitable
areas (0-least suitable and
 255- most suitable). 

This image represents the areas with the most
suitable slopes, called FuzzSlope.  It is a fuzzy
map demonstrating the suitable areas
(0-least suitable and 255- most suitable).
 This uses control points starting at 1 and going
to 9, which represents the only possible slope
 that can be used. 

All four fuzzy maps were weighted according to the significance they play in determining the most suitable location to grow ginseng for a commercial grower.  The slope is very important because it plays a large role in the start up and harvesting cost.  The smaller the slop the easier it is to plow and harvest the land with machinery.  Landcover type is also very important to the initial cost, how much the land must be cleared before start up.  The temperature and Precipitation are important, but don't play the largest role.
     Factor Weights
     FuzzLandcover     0.25
     FuzzTemperature  0.20
     FuzzPrecipitation   0.20
     FuzzSlope             0.35


   Traditional Point-of-view

This is the image created for the landcover,
 FuzzLandcover.  It is a fuzzy map demonstrating
the suitable areas (0-least suitable and
255- most suitable).This represents the most
suitable place to grow ginseng from a
traditional growers view point.

This image was created to represent temperature, called FuzzTemperature.
It is a fuzzy map demonstrating the suitable areas (0-least suitable and 255- most suitable).  The control
 points started at -4 C to 3 C,
therefore eliminating all temperatures below -4 C from the analysis.

This image was created to
represent precipitation, called
FuzzPrecipitation.It is a fuzzy
 map demonstrating the suitable
areas (0-least suitable and
 255- most suitable).

This image represents the areas with the most
suitable slopes, called FuzzSlope.  It is a fuzzy
map demonstrating the suitable areas
(0-least suitable and 255- most suitable).
 This uses control points starting at 1 and going
to 15, which represents the only possible slope
 that can be used. This is a slightly larger range
 than used for the commercial point of view
because it is less Dependant on slope. 

All four fuzzy maps were weighted according to the significance they play in determining the most suitable location to grow ginseng for a Traditional method.  The landcover type is the most important criteria as the traditional method must be grown under a forest canopy.  The next most important criteria is the precipitation, as soils can become more moist under forest canopies as there is less sunlight reaching the ground surface.  Temperature is also important as not to damage the ginseng.  The least important factor is the slope.
      Factor Weights
FuzzLandcover     0.40
      FuzzTemperature  0.20
      FuzzPrecipitation   0.25
      FuzzSlope             0.15

