Spatial Analysis
The process of using Multiple-criteria Evaluation (MCE) is included in this section.
Here is a list of the 6 factors and 1 constraint:
Streets Factor: streetsfuzz
Undeveloped and Open Area Factor: undevelopfuzz
Water Body Factor: waterbodyfuzz
Wetland Factor: wetlandfuzz
Wood Area Factor: woodareafuzz
Parks Factor: parksfuzz
Constraint: burnaby (Reclass module was used to create the constraint image of Burnaby (burnaby.rst))
Refer to Cartographic Model.
The following is the weight in the Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for each fuzz image. We can see which factors are more important than others:
The Eightvector of weights is (constrained by the shape of Burnaby):
streetsfuzz: 0.0275
undevelopfuzz: 0.1264
waterbodyfuzz: 0.1356
wetlandfuzz: 0.4212
woodareafuzz: 0.1446
parksfuzz: 0.1446
Consistency ratio = 0.02
Consistency is acceptable
Please carry on to the Results section to see the mapped results of the analysis.
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This site is created by Jimmy Man Ching YIP for GEOG 355 2003-3.