West Nile Virus Risk Analysis for the City of Burnaby


The following is the detail about the original files, sources (note: all data were drawn from S:\Data Warehouse of SIS Lab of Simon Fraser University except census_tracts.shp/.dbf and water.shp/.dbf were acquired through S:\GEOG351 folder\Data for Assignment1), manipulated files and manipulation processes.

A list of layers was first created with use of ArcGIS as shape files. These shape files were then imported into Idrisi to first create vector files (vct.) and were later on using the rastervector module to create raster files (rst.) to do analysis. All of the layers had been projected with use of ArcToolbox to have a projection of NAD83 UTM Zone 10N. The projection was defined once again when the rastervector module was applied. A 500-resoultion was used for each raster image created so that the images could be aligned nicely when the weight module was applied.

The location and pictures of the barn were acquired from S:\GEOG356 folder. The location is digitized in Idrisi and was used as an indicator for West Nile virus (See Results for more detail).

Eight final raster files will be used in which six were to be used as factors and one was to be used as constraint, and one was used to show population density. One vector file was used (barn.vct) to show as an indicator for West Nile virus as mentioned above.

Original Data Source
BCwer.shp/.dbf DMTI folder for BC Topo
BCver.shp/.dbf DMTI folder for BC Topo
BClur.shp/.dbf DMTI folder for BC Topo
BChrd.shp/.dbf DMTI folder for BC Streets
gvrd_1996_landuse.shp/.dbf GVRD Landuse folder
census_tracts.shp/.dbf S:\GEOG351\Data for Assignment1
water.shp/.dbf S:\GEOG351\Data for Assignment1

Note: gvrd_1996_landuse.shp were used to produce 2 layers undevelop.shp (for the Undeveloped and Open Area Factor) and burnaby.shp (for the area of City of Burnaby).

The original data were then “cut out” in ArcMap so that only features inside (i.e. intersect with) the City of Burnaby were included (burnaby.shp was created to intersect with other layers to produce the required layers)

Original Data Manipulated to
BCwer.shp/.dbf wetland.shp
BCver.shp/.dbf woodarea.shp
BClur.shp/.dbf parks.shp
BChrd.shp/.dbf streets.shp
gvrd_1996_landuse.shp/.dbf undevelop.shp
gvrd_1996_landuse.shp/.dbf burnaby.shp
census_tracts.shp/.dbf To acquire population and area(m^2) information
water.shp/.dbf waterbody.shp

The shape files were then imported to Idrisi into vector files using the ShapeIdr module. Lastly, the vector files were transformed into raster files with use of the rastervector module. Moreover, the barn vector file (barn.vct) is created by digitize.

Shape files Idrisi Vector files Idrisi Raster files
wetland.shp wetland.vct wetland.rst
woodarea.shp woodarea.vct woodarea.rst
parks.shp parks.vct parks.rst
streets.shp streets.vct streets.rst
undevelop.shp undevelop.vct undevelop.rst
burnaby.shp burnaby.vct burnaby.rst
waterbody.shp waterbody.vct waterbody.rst

Please move on to Methodology to see how the data were used.


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This site is created by Jimmy Man Ching YIP for GEOG 355 2003-3.