
Sports and studies often go hand in hand at SFU. Since its birth more than 40 years ago the university has produced numerous athletes known as much for netting grade point averages above 3.0 as varsity championships.

A wide array of varsity and intramural sports activities and a spacious fitness centre with floor-to-ceiling window views of the campus nurture healthy competition, lifelong friendships and healthy living at SFU.

Students can compete in their favourite sport as an SFU Clan athlete, take a ringside seat at their favourite game, work out on their favourite piece of gym equipment, or do all three. Our motto in Recreation and Athletics is: “Try something new. Enhance your skills. Have fun. Live an active life!”

What is the Clan?

The Scottish Highlanders used the term Clan centuries ago to describe a group of families loyal to a clan chief. SFU varsity teams adopted the term to honour their Scottish roots.