Privacy and Access

Privacy and Access

In the university context, "Privacy and Access" refers to the management and protection of personal information and the provision of appropriate access to data and resources within the academic institution. This encompasses policies, practices, and technologies that ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of student, faculty, and staff data while facilitating authorized access for educational and administrative purposes. It involves safeguarding individuals' privacy rights, complying with data protection regulations, and maintaining secure systems and protocols to balance information security with the accessibility needed for effective learning, research, and administration within the university community.

Records Management

"Records Management" entails the organized and efficient handling of all academic and administrative documents and data. This includes creating, storing, organizing, and securely maintaining records related to student enrollment, academic transcripts, research, financial transactions, and administrative operations. Effective records management ensures compliance with legal requirements, supports decision-making, and preserves the university's history and accountability. In essence it's a systematic process of handling and safeguarding the vital information that ensures the university runs smoothly.