SFU and Forward Food Summit

Deepening Local Roots in Food Service (Plant-Based Edition)

On November 1st & 2nd, 2023, the SFU Roots and Forward Food Summit brought together food service professionals for two days of networking and learning to equip them with skills for integrating plant-based foods into menus, driving a more local sourcing and creating a more sustainable food system.

Summit Highlights

Culinary Training
On day one of the Summit, 22 local chefs took part in a unique plant-based culinary training program, hosted by Forward Food. They learned to prepare 35 plant-based dishes, while gaining insights into the health and environmental advantages.

On day two, 12 industry innovators showcased and sample their plant-based products at the conference trade show. Food service professionals networked with these experts and learned about products trending in the industry.

Inspiring Speakers and Content
17 world-class speakers from multidisciplinary backgrounds shared their knowledge and expertise around the benefits of plant-based foods.

Networking for Food Service Professionals
With 22 chefs participating in the training, and 175+ attendees attending the summit, food service professionals were be able to network with leaders in the industry and learn from each other.

Summit Photo Gallery


Thank you to the following organizations for making this initiative possible: 

Gold Sponsors

SFU gratefully acknowledges the funding support provided, in part, by the B.C. Government’s Feed BC initiative to help increase the use of B.C.-grown and B.C.-processed foods in government-supported facilities and institutions.

Bronze Sponsors

Summit Supporters