SFU Data Science Research Group
In many application domains, such as social networks, business, and healthcare, increasingly large amounts of data are being collected requiring sophisticated computational tools to discover the hidden "golden nuggets."
Our researchers in data science, databases, and data mining address the corresponding research challenges with a broad range of methods and systems from data collection, storage, cleaning, management, analytics, knowledge extraction, and representation. They are international leaders in topics such as data cleaning, big data systems, database query answering, graph and network mining, privacy preserving data analytics, spatial and temporal data processing, and various applications.
SFU Data Science Research Group has over 30 years' research experience in data mining and database systems. We work on foundational data science problems and build innovative systems for data science applications. We train next-generation leaders and researchers in data science. We actively publish papers in top data mining and database venues, and our group was ranked the 13th in North America in 2019 on publications in KDD, SIGMOD, and VLDB (source: csrankings.org).