student resources

Resources for Internal Transfers

Why should i join environmental science?
  • The Environmental Science Undergraduate Program provides a broad, interdisciplinary education, with a solid foundation in the physical and biological sciences.
  • Our interdisciplinary program includes wide range of seminars and research projects to help students master research, communication, and team-working skills, preparing for future emploment opportunities in the field. 
  • All students complete their program with an applied research-based 'Capstone' course in colloboration with CityStudio and City of Vancouver
  • Our students can further enhance their skills, gain paid, relevant experience and discover new passions via Co-operative Education
How can i join environmental science?
  • Two of the core science courses from the degree completed with a final grade of C or above, in separate science disciplines (BISC, CHEM, MATH, PHYS, or STAT). You can find the list of common courses in the Academic Calendar. Examples include BISC 101 and CHEM 121.  
  • A CGPA of 2.0 or above 

Honours Thesis & Directed Studies Resources


If you are interested in joining the Undergraduate Honours Program in Environmental Science, under the supervision of SFU Faculty, please submit the following forms:


If you are interested in enrolling in an Undergraduate Directed Studies course in Environmental Science (EVSC 391 or EVSC 491) under the supervision of SFU Faculty, please complete the following form after the project has been approved.

Find us on SFU's Burnaby Campus

Our offices are located in TASC 2 (Technology and Science Complex 2), Burnaby Campus in the 8500 and 8900 wings