Refereed Journal Articles (selected)

Smythe, S., Andre, G., Sinclair, N. (2023). “Feeling-with”: Consent, automation and relational ethics in a community technology centre. Digital Culture & Education, 14(5). p. 64- 92.

Smythe, S. (2022). The Faure report, Sylvia Wynter and undoing of the Man of lifelong learning. International Review of Education, 68(5). 773–789

Smythe, S. (2022). Beyond crisis, toward justice: New technologies in community-based adult learning. Adult literacy education, 1(4), 50-55.

O’Brien, H., De Forest, H., McCauley, A., and Sinnamon, L., Smythe, S. (2022). Reconfiguring knowledge ecosystems: Librarians and adult literacy educators in knowledge exchange work. In, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 26(2), p. 29 – 41.

Butterwick, S. J., Smythe, S., & Li, J. (2021). Learning from a decade of the Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education Publications: Community-based research with marginalized adults. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 33(2).

Toohey, K. & Smythe, S. (2021). A different difference in teacher education: posthuman and decolonizing perspectives, Language and Education, DOI: 10.1080/09500782.2021.1980002

Smythe, S., Wilbur, A. & Hunter, E. (2021). Inventive pedagogies and social solidarity: The work of community-based adult educators during COVID-19 in British Columbia, Canada, International Review of Education,  67, 9–29 (2021).

Smythe, S., Buddeberg, K. and Grotluschen, A. (2020). E-recruitment literacy and automated inequality. Studies in the Education of Adults, p. 1 – 18.  DOI: 10.1080/02660830.2020.1855870

Walker, J. and Smythe, S. (2020). The (Un)deserving adult: Examining British Columbia’s Adult Basic Education policy. Studies in the Education of Adults, 52(2), 195-214.  DOI: 10.1080/02660830.2019.1681241

Smythe, S., Pelan, D. and Breshears, S. (2018). The LinkVan Project: Participatory technology design in Vancouver. Language and Literacy, 20(3), 9-25.

Smythe, S.  (2018). Adult learning in the control society: Digital era governance, literacies of control, and the work of adult educators. Adult Education Quarterly, 68(3), 197 - 214. DOI: 10.1177/0741713618766645

Li, J., Moore, D. & Smythe, S. (2017). Voices from the heart: Understanding a community-engaged festival in Vancouver’s downtown eastside. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 47(4), 399–425. DOI: 10.1177/0891241617696808

Smythe, S. & Breshears, S. (2017). Complicating access: Digital inequality and adult learnig in a public access computing space. Canadian Journal for Studies in Adult Education, 28(2), 67 - 81.

Smythe, S. (2015). Ten years of adult literacy policy and practice in Canada. In, Ntelliogiu, B. & Rowsell, J. (Eds.), Special Issue: A landscape view of literacy and language issues in Canada. Language and Literacy: A Canadian E-Journal, 17(2), 4 - 21.

Smythe, S. (2015). ‘Communities are where it all happens’: Tracing discourses of sustainability in the destatisation of adult literacy in British Columbia, Canada. Encylopaideia, 18(40), 14–33.

Smythe, S., Toohey, K., and Dagenais, D. (2014). Videomaking, production pedagogies and educational policy. Journal of Educational Policy, 30(5), 740-770.

Smythe, S. & Neufeld, P. (2010). Podcast time: Negotiating digital literacies and communities of learning in a middle years ELL classroom. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy (JAAL), 53(6), 488–496. DOI: 10.1598/JAAL.53.6.5

Smythe, S. & Toohey, K. (2009). Investigating sociohistorical contexts and literacy practices through a community scan: A Canadian Punjabi Sikh example. Language & Education, 23(1), 37–57.

Smythe, S., Gadsby, L. & Malcolmson, J. (2006). Gender, culture and “organized chaos”: What the Weaving Literacy project learned about integrated literacy. Literacies, Fall, 13–17.
