
Principle Investigator, Project REACH (Refugee Equity, Access, Community & Humanity), Pathways to Education: An international study to understand the educational experiences of refugee children with dis/abilities, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Partnership Development Grant, In Progress: $199,772.00
Co-Investigator: Beyond Lip Service: Investigating teacher educators' pursuit of inclusive practice during COVID-19, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Development Grant,, In Progress: $74,864.00 
Principle Investigator: Project CARS (Classwide Augmented Reward System), Principal Investigator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Small Grant, Completed 2019: $6840.80
Co-Investigator: Examining the Treatment of Children with Disabilities in the Hospital Setting, The University of Memphis, $5000
Principle Invertigator/Practicioner: Development of the iPod as and Instructional Tool, Shelby Co. Schools Special Education Instructional Grant, Completed 2008 $2,500
Principle Investigator: Transitioning Students with Disabilities into Postsecondary School or Employment, Memphis Assisi Foundation, Completed 2007: $9790.60  