Refereed Journal Articles

Ruth M. Eyres, William C. Hunter, Alison Happel-Parkins, Robert L. Williamson & Laura B. Casey (2022) Important Conversations: Exploring Parental Experiences in Providing Sexuality Education for Their Children with Intellectual Disabilities, American Journal of Sexuality Education, DOI: 10.1080/15546128.2022.2082617

Sailors, L., Williamson, R. L., Casey, L., & Hunter, W (2021-In Press). Perceptions of undergraduate pre-service teachers enrolled in a dual-SPED/GEN licensure program towards including students with autism in general education settings. Journal of Social Sciences, In Press

Taylor-Johnson, M., Williamson, R. L., Casey, L.B., Stockton, S., & Elswick, S. (2020). Sibling relationships when one sibling has ASD: A preliminary investigation to inform the field and strengthen the bond, Children and Youth Services Review, 116,

Williamson, R.L., & McFadzen, C. (2020). Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Prototype Virtual Token Economy Behaviour Support System within an Inclusive Canadian Classroom, International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education, 9(1), 1531-1541

Williamson, R.L. & Cetin, B. (2019). The Participation of Refugee Children with Disabilities in Educational Options in Turkey: A Systematic Review, International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, 13(6), 899 – 904, doi:

Williamson, R.L., Jasper, A., Smith, C., Novak, J., Hunter, W. & Casey, L. (2019). Re-examining Evidence Based Practice in Special Education: A discussion. Journal of International Special Needs Education, 21(2), doi: 10.9782/17-00022  

Christopher, A., Hunter, W., Casey, L., Meindl, J., Williamson, R., (2018). Engage or Not to Engage: Using Numbered Heads Together in a Post-Secondary Education Program with Students with Intellectual Disabilities. Online Journal of CEC’s Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 5(1)

Smith, C., Casey, L., Williamson, R.L. and Elswick, S. (2017).Investigating the Symptoms of Traumatic Stress in Fathers of Children Diagnosed with Autism. Online Journal of CEC’s Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 4(1), 190-202

Hunter, W.C., Williamson, R.L., Jasper, A. & Casey, L. (2017). Examining Self-Monitoring Interventions for Academic Support of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Journal of International Special Needs Education, 20(1), 67-78

Niemeyer, K., Casey, L.B., Williamson, R.L., Casey, C., Neiswick, S.E. (2016). Using Data-Informed Instruction to Drive Education: Keeping Catholic Education a Viable and Educationally Sound Option in Challenging Times, Journal of Catholic Education, 20(1), 333-348, doi: 10.15365/joce.2001172016

Eyres, R., Williamson, R.L., Hunter, W.C., & Casey, L. (2016). Providing Comprehensive Sexuality Education to Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Preparing the Trainer. DADD Online Journal: Journal of the Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities: Council for Exceptional Children, 3(1), 160-171

Schaff, M., Williamson, R.L. & Novak, J. (2015). Are School Administrators Prepared to Provide Leadership in Special Education? Mid-Western Educational researcher 27(2), 172-182

Hunter, W.C., Maheady, L., Jasper, A.D., Williamson, R.L., Murley, R.C. & Stratton, E. (2015). Numbered Heads Together as a Tier 1 Instructional Strategy in Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. Education & Treatment of Children, 38(3), 345-362

Jasper, A., Hunter, W. & Williamson, R. (2015). Data Recording in the Classroom–It can be done. Beyond Behavior, 24(1), 18-23

Casey, L.P., Williamson, R.L., Miller, S., Smith, B.J., Coleman, J.B., Frame, K.N., Langford. E.C., Gilmore, B. & McVicar, K. (2015). Emergency department visits by children with and without autism spectrum disorder: An initial comparison evaluating multiple outcome measures at one urban children’s hospital. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 9, 144–150, DOI: 10.1016/j.rasd.2014.10.005.

Casey, L., Williamson, R., Black, T., & Casey, C. (2014). Teaching Written Expression in the Inclusive High School Classroom: Strategies to Assist Students with Disabilities. National Forum of Applied Educational Research Journal, 27(1/2), 45–56.

Hunter, W., Jasper, A.D., & Williamson, R.L. (2014). Utilizing middle school common planning time to support inclusive environments. Intervention in School and Clinic, 50, 114-120, DOI: 10.1177/1053451214536045.

Hayes, J. A., Baylot Casey, L., Williamson, R., Black, T., & Winsor, D. (2013). Educators’ readiness to teach children with autism spectrum disorder in an inclusive classroom. The Researcher, 25(1), 67–78.

Christensen, J., Siegel Robertson, J., Williamson, R., & Hunter, W.C. (2013). Preparing educational leaders for special education success: Principals’ perspective. The Researcher, 25(1), 94–107.

Williamson, R.L., Casey, L.B., Robertson, J. & Buggey, T. (2013). Video Self-Modeling in Children with Autism: A Pilot Study Validating Prerequisite Skills and Extending Utilization of VSM across Skill Sets, Assistive Technology, 25(2), 63–71: DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2012.712604.

Meindl, J., Ivy, J., Miller, N., Neef, N., & Williamson, R.L. (2013). An Examination of Stimulus Control in Fluency-Based Strategies: SAFMEDS and Generalization. Journal of Behavioral Education, 22(3), 229–252: DOI: 10.1007/s10864-013-9172-6.

Casey, L., Reeves, K. & Williamson, R. (2013). The Readability of documents provided to urban parents. Journal of Urban Education, 64–80.

Casey, L., Robertson, J., Williamson, R.L., Serio, C. & Elswick, S. (2011). Spending Instructional Time Wisely: A Case Study Using Brief Intervention Probes to Determine the Most Effective Strategy. Canadian Journal of Education, 34(3), 33–46.

Baylot Casey, L & Williamson, R., (2011). Training Parents as Effective Literacy Tutors: Increasing the Procedural Integrity of Tutoring. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 19(3), 257–276.

Williamson, R.L., Robertson, J.S. & Casey, L.B. (2010). Using a dynamic systems approach to investigating postsecondary education and employment outcomes for transitioning students with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 33, 101–111 DOI: 10.3233/JVR-2010-0519.
