Sensoy, Ö., Beck, K., Cassidy, W., Chinnery, A., Han, H., Jordan, S., Lee, E., Marshall, E., O’Neill, S., Smythe, S., Vanderwey, D. (June, 2018). One step forward, two steps back: Professors’ struggle for equity in the academy. Critical Ethnic Studies Association annual conference. UBC Vancouver.
Sensoy, Ö. (March, 2018). Y’Allah Parvana! Malala! Kamala!: The pedagogy of good Muslim girl justice-fighters. Canadian Association of Cultural Studies annual conference. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.
Sensoy, Ö. (May 4-6, 2017). An education in the #selfie: Self-representation as a social justice practice. International Conference on Cultural Studies and Education. UBC, Vancouver.
Sensoy, Ö. (March 18, 2017). If Ikea made a car, and other bad ideas (and some good ones) for thinking about social justice practice. Social Justice Education symposium, for the annualAmerican Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) (Division 41 of the American Psychological Association) Conference. Seattle, WA.
Sensoy, Ö. (November, 2016). My media #selfie portraits: Between Frida Kahlo and @kimkardashian in the fifth grade classroom. Session: Back-talkers: Pop culture representations and resistance among racialized, gendered youth. American Educational Studies Association (AESA), Seattle, WA.
DiAngelo, R. & Sensoy, Ö. (November, 2016). The turn of the screw: How academic hiring committees tighten the gates against diversity. Session: “We encourage all applicants”: How academia works against racial and gender justice. American Educational Studies Association (AESA), Seattle, WA.
Cassidy, W., Sensoy, Ö., & Beck, K. (March 7, 2016). Paper: Educating for human rights: Limited knowledge, inadequate action. Citizenship Education SIG. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) annual conference, Vancouver, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. (August 12, 2015). Keynote. I Won’t Ask You to Drink from the Firehose: Let’s Talk About Real and Effective Action for Equity in Education. The Manitoba Association of School Superintendents Summer Institute. Elkhorn, MB.
Sensoy, Ö. (May 30, 2015). Invited Workshop. From Sesame Street to Katy Perry: Gender Performance in Youth Popular Culture. Alberta School Trustees Association Spring General Assembly: A Celebration of Public School Education: Diversity is a Lesson Plan for Life. Red Deer, AB.
Sensoy, Ö. (2014, August). Getting Going: Putting Social Justice Concepts Together into Practice. Workshop at The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. ESJ Chairs. Winnipeg, MB.
Sensoy, Ö. (2014, August). Challenges in Advocacy to Action. Workshop at The Manitoba Teachers’ Society. PD Chairs. Winnipeg, MB.
Sensoy, Ö. (2014, March). The Four Foundations: What Every Teacher Committed to Diversity and Justice Must Know and Do. Keynote at The Alberta Teachers’ Association, annual Diversity, Equity, and Human Rights Conference. Edmonton, AB.
Sensoy, Ö. (2014, March). "Where do we go from here?”: The challenges of social justice education. Invited Presentation for the Department of Educational Policy Studies, Faculty of Education, The University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB.
Sensoy, Ö., Hobbel, N., & Brock, R. (2013, November). Counterstorytelling Interventions: Addressing Adichie’s “The Danger of The Single Story.” Intensive Preconference Session at the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), Oakland, CA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2013, November). Using popular culture and media in social justice education: Practical strategies. National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), Oakland, CA.
Sensoy, Ö. & Manavipour, S. (2013, October). Teaching Against Islamophobia. Northwest Teachers for Social Justice, annual conference, Seattle, WA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2013, May). Tween Agents: Youth, Pop Culture, and Social Justice. Invited Plenary Presentation at the Critical Canadian Youth Studies Conference. The Werklund Foundation Centre for Youth Leadership Education, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
Sensoy, Ö. (2013, May). Beyond fearing the savage: Responding to Islamophobia in the classroom. Invited Presentation at the Democracy and Diversity in a Global Context: Tough Conversations on Social Justice. Faculty of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
Sensoy, Ö. (2013, May). Beyond fearing the savage: Responding to Islamophobia in the classroom. Invited Presentation for the Committee for Action on Social Justice (CASJ), British Columbia Teachers Federation (BCTF). Vancouver, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. (2012, November). Multicultural Teacher Education in Korea, Canada, and the United States. Panelist in session for the Center for Multicultural Education, Twentieth Year Celebration and Book Launch of the Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2012, November). In search of genie magic: Representational discourses of the Orientalist genie/harem seductress in popular culture. American Educational Studies Association (AESA), Seattle, WA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2012, April). Snapshots from ‘Post-racial’ and ‘Post-colonial’ Americas: A Transnational Conversation. Panelist at the AERA Committee on Scholars of Color session. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Vancouver, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. (2012, April). Picturing oppression: Vancouver seventh graders making movies to “talk back” to racism, sexism, and classism. Session: Rethinking Youth Studies and Research: Indigenous, Immigrant and Islamic Youths’ Ambivalent Belonging in Multicultural Vancouver and The Making of Activist Research [with Dilek Kayaalp, UBC; Michael Marker, UBC; Maryam Nabavi, UBC; Handel Wright, UBC]. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Vancouver, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. & Semenec-Michalak, P. (2011, October). Critical media literacy for social justice education. Northwest Teachers for Social Justice, annual conference, Seattle, WA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2011, September). Genies and victims: Essentializing Muslim girls and women through everyday texts. Violence in the Lives of Muslim Girls and Women: A CIHR Invitational Symposium, University of Western Ontario, London, ON.
Sensoy, Ö. & Manavipour, S. (2011, September). Pencils, books, and prayer: Experiences of Muslim youth in public schools. Invited talk for Westcoast Sheen. Rhizome Café, Vancouver, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. (2011, April). The sway and magic of the Arabian Nights: Contemplations on a genealogy of shuttlecocks and genies. Session: Saints and Sluts: Racialized Pedagogies of the Good Girl/Bad Girl in Popular Youth Culture. [with Elizabeth Marshall, SFU; Rochelle Brock, IU Northwest; Jeanine Staples, Penn State; Discussant: Annette Henry, UBC; Chair: Lisa Weems, Miami Univ.]. SIG: Media, Culture, & Curriculum. American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, LA.
O’Neill, D.K., Guloy, S., MacKellar, F., Sensoy, Ö. & Byrne, E. (2011, April). Retooling the teaching of history: Refining a unit targeting conceptions about differing historical accounts. SIG: Teaching History. American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, LA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2011, March). Learning to think about masculinity and femininity in popular culture representation. Invited Presentation at the International Women’s Day Events. Burnaby Mountain Secondary School. Burnaby, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. (2010, November). The Selling of “Girlie Feminism”: Gender and Media in the Classroom. Pacific Cinémathèque, Vancouver, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. (2010, October). Critical thinking and civic engagement. Panelist at the BC Peace and Global Educators, Provincial Specialist Association (PAGE-PSA). Vancouver, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. (2010, July). Genie magic: Representations of Islamic culture in school and societal curricula. Expressions of diversity: A summer programme on Muslim cultures. Centre for the Comparative Study of Muslim Societies and Cultures, Simon Fraser University & The Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, Aga Khan University.
Sensoy, Ö. (2010, May). Picturing oppression: Seventh graders’ photo essays on living with racism, sexism, and classism. University of Washington, Bothell, WA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2010, May). Saving Muslim girls: The curricular construction of a deficit discourse. University of Washington, Tacoma, WA.
Sensoy, Ö., O’Neill, D.K., Guloy, S., & Sanghera, R. (2010, May). Understanding Complex Social and Cultural Histories in a Changing World: A Multi-Method Study of Nationhood in a Diverse High School Social Studies Class. Division G/ Section 2. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, CO.
Marshall, E. & Sensoy, Ö. (2010, May). One World: Benevolent girlhood. Session: Saints and Sluts: Racialized pedagogies of the good girl/bad girl in global youth culture (with Jeanine Staples, Lisa Weems; Discussant: Annette Henry, Chair: Rochelle Brock). SIG: Media, Culture, & Curriculum. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, CO.
Sensoy, Ö. (2010, May). Applying Freirian pedagogy in adult learning contexts. Session Chair at the Paulo Freire SIG. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, CO.
Sensoy, Ö. & DiAngelo, R.J. (2009, November). Down the rabbit hole: The first years after the Ph.D. Invited Presentation at the College of Education, University of Washington, Seattle.
Sensoy, Ö., Stonebanks, C.D., Mir, S., & Ali-Khan, C. (2009, October). Muslim voices in school: Narratives of identity and pluralism. National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), Denver, CO.
Sensoy, Ö. & Marshall, E. (2009, June). Missionary Girl Power: Saving the “Third World” one Girl at a Time. Ninth annual Critical Race and Anti-Colonial Studies Conference (RACE), Concordia and McGill Universities, Montréal, QC.
Sensoy, Ö. (2009, April). Genie magic: Popular culture and knowledge construction about Muslims and the Middle East. Plenary paper presentation at the International Conference on Critical Multicultural Education. Centre for Culture, Identity and Education (CCIE), UBC. Vancouver, BC.
DiAngelo, R.J. & Sensoy, Ö. (2009, April). “That’s just her opinion”: Challenging “opinion” discourse about social justice. Paper presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA.
Marshall, E. & Sensoy, Ö. (2009, April). Disrupting youth: Film as cultural teaching machine. Paper presentation at SIG: Media, Culture, & Curriculum. American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2009, February). Muslims in Popular Culture & in Schools. Invited Presentation at the Visiting Scholars Series. Westfield State College. Springfield, MA.
Marshall, E. & Sensoy, Ö. (2009, March). The same old hocus pocus: Pedagogies of gender and sexuality in Shrek 2. Paper presentation for the Gender & Education Association (GEA), Institute of Education, London, UK.
Sensoy, Ö. (with: Chinnery, A., & Walton, G.) (2008, November). Challenging “studied ignorance.” National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), New Orleans, LA.
Sensoy, Ö. (with: Parhar, N., Parmar, G., & Sanghera, R.) (2008, November). Beyond “heroes and holidays”: Using digitized ethnic group archives for developing critical learning modules. National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), New Orleans, LA.
Sensoy, Ö. (with DiAngelo, R.J.) (2008, November). The Tyranny of the Opinion Card when Challenging Social Inequity in Education. National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), New Orleans, LA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2008, July). Imagining Islam: On TV and in Textbooks. Invited Presentation for the Centre for the Comparative Study of Muslim Societies and Cultures/ Aga Khan University: Joint Summer Institute. Burnaby, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. & Sanghera, R. (2008, May). Seventh Graders Tell it Like it is: Photo Essays on Living with Racism, Classism, and Sexism. Fourth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry: Ethics, Evidence, and Social Justice, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Sensoy, Ö. (2008, May). ”Hey, I won’t lighten up!”: Why Cartoons & mass media images are more than “just entertainment”. Fourth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry: Ethics, Evidence, and Social Justice, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Sensoy, Ö. (2008, January). Thinking of Islam and Muslim Students: Inclusion, Access, and Accommodation. Invited Presentation for the BC Centre for International Education. Vancouver, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. (2007, November). Unveil yourselves and dance, Muslim women!: How much am ‘eye’ willing to “reasonably accommodate”? Invited Lecture for The Paulo & Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, McGill University, Montréal, QC.
Sensoy, Ö. (2007, November). Islamic Feminisms. Session Chair for the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), Montréal, Canada.
Sensoy, Ö. (2007, June). Learning to think about cultures and societies. Social Science Education Consortium (SSEC). Vancouver, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. (2007, May). Are music videos “just entertainment”? What can YOUth do? Invited Presentation at the symposium for Secondary Youth who want to make a Difference. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. (2007, February). Why Complexity Matters in Educating the Children of the World. Invited Presentation for the BC School Trustees Association, Forum: Educating the children of the world in BC classrooms, Vancouver, BC.
Sensoy, Ö. (2007, January). Why Fiona has no accent, and other mysteries: Using pop culture stereotypes to further a social justice approach in teacher education. Teacher Education & Social Justice. Center for Anti-Oppressive Education, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL.
Sensoy, Ö. & DiAngelo, R.J. (2006, April). White female narratives of Muslim oppression. American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2005, April). The relationship between textbook and newspaper representations of Arabs and Muslims. Division G/ Section 2. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montréal, Canada.
Sensoy, Ö. (2004, April). Photo elicitation Methodology for Conducting Race Related Educational Research. Division G/ Section 2. American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2003, November). Arabs and Muslims in the United States: Lessons from Media and Textbooks. National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME), Seattle, WA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2004, January). Islamic Civilizations in Social Studies Curricula: What Teachers Must Know. Invited Presentation at the Washington State Social Studies Education conference. Seattle, WA.
Sensoy, Ö. (2003, June). Islamophobia: The Arab & Muslim “World.” Invited Presentation at the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI), Seattle, WA.