Graduate Student Supervision

Doctoral Theses—Senior Supervisor (Simon Fraser University)

Bhattacharjee, M. (2024). Wisdom-based inner inquiry and practice-realization: Towards intersubjective wellbeing in diverse cultural settings of education and health

Tiryaki, T. (2024). Wise leadership for the business world: Awareness development and contemplative education for organizational leaders

Miyakawa, M. (2024). Critique of modern instrumental mindfulness as neoliberal narcissism

Bowering, S. (2023). Dimensions of practice: The Skandhas as a Gestalt-informed framework for holistic approaches to post-secondary contemporary arts education.

Celenski, H. (2023). A thousand steps from one: Towards decolonizing and Indigenizing pedagogy in higher education. 

Pearl, T. (2022). Responding to evil as a fragmenting force through an ethic of love and boundaries: Inspiration from a healing prison. SSHRC

Rose, A. (2022). Goethe’s approach to science and its influence on worldview in science education and teacher preparation.

Chang, D. (2021). The raven knows my name: Contemplation and practice on an off-grid island.; SSHRC; Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal

Beavington, L. (2021). Ecocentric science education: More-than-human ethics, Goethean science, and poetic pedagogy. (PhD) SSHRC

Watson, C. (2020). Alienation and consciousness: Towards a dual-aspect approach to issues in social justice. (PhD)

St. Pierre, L. (2020). Baskets of Offerings: Design, nature, animism and pedagogy. (PhD) *Received; Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal 

Henne, S. R. (2020). A study of mindfulness-informed group process: Towards burnout prevention and treatment. (PhD in Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU: Co-supervisor)

Kinman, C. (2019). The river carries that which the mountains cannot hold: A series of geophilosophical experiments with the Fraser River. (PhD)

Kanna, O. (2019). Hope for the embattled language classroom: Pedagogies for wellbeing and trauma healing. (PhD); Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal

Fiorini, K. (2019). Dehumanization in the workplace. (PhD)

Gordon, M. (2018). Learning to love: Aikido as a pedagogy of embodied consciousness and ethic of altruism. (PhD)

Roomy, A. (PhD, 2017), Self-compassion: Integrating Buddhist philosophy and practices with Western psychotherapy and a group counselling curriculum

Lalancette, H. (PhD, 2017), On the neuro-turn in education: From inside out 

Rabi, S. (PhD, 2016), Taking an integral and ecocontemplative perspective on the phenomenon of addiction in dislocated societies: Beyond "acceptance" towards soul making on non-dual awareness

Smith, G. (PhD, 2015), Deep education: A school counsellor’s narrative voyage into schooling in times of climate change

Park, S. (PhD, 2014), Embodied inner work: An educator’s journey of body-mind-heart integration *Received SSHRC

Brown, Tom (EdD, 2014), Feeling my way: Teaching business ethics in a liminal age

Carter, J. (PhD, 2012), Lords of misrule: Embodied masculinities within vernacular arts practice

Young, A. (PhD, 2012), Exploring a new narrative inquiry approach: “Narrative as research (NAR)”

Culham, T. (PhD, 2012), Ethics education of business leaders *Received Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal

Tyers, O. (PhD, 2011), Aiming for intelligence: A new conception of education based on the pentad model

Elza, D. (PhD, 2011), Pedagogy of imagination: Philo-poesis, non.verifiable truths, and other existent.ial celebrations *Received Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal

Nelson, D. (PhD, 2010), Reason, emotion, and awareness

Tamburro, A.G. (EdD, 2010), A framework and tool for assessing indigenous content in Canadian social work curricula (Co-supervision with M. Pidgeon)

Banack H. (PhD, 2010), Ductless flow: Nonlinear conception of ontology and education

Henriksen, R. (EdD, 2010), An exploration of peer administered academic departments: Towards an intersubjectively mindful leadership paradigm

Provencal, J. (PhD, 2009), Knowledge mobilization of social sciences and humanities research: Moving beyond a “zero-sum language game”

Montabello, S. (PhD, 2008), Journeying into the heart of schools: Dwelling in time, place, and intimacy

Falkenberg, T. (PhD, 2006), Caring and human agency: Foundations of an approach to teacher education

Chinnery, A. (PhD, 2003), Response and responsibility: On Levinas and moral education

Van Heerden, H. (PhD, 2003), A circle of loving and creating: Journeying towards wholeness in the arts therapies with children who grieve

Gribov, S. (PhD, 2000), Minimalistic virtue ethics: Theory for moral education

I have served as a committee member on approximately 14 (10 at SFU, four at UBC) thesis supervisory committees for completed dissertations.

I have served as a committee member on approximately 41 (37 at SFU, 4 at UBC) thesis supervisory committees for completed dissertations.

Master’s Theses—Senior Supervisor (Simon Fraser University)

Voulgaris, M. A. (2022). Beyond mindfulness Mondays in high schools: An emergent mindfulness practice towards embodied wisdom.

Grunbaum, C. (2020). Development of an integrated heuristic model of shame-rage cycle: A narrative review with implications to case formulation.

Santilian, R. (2018). The discovery of the transcendental man: An introduction to the age of knowledge by S. Raynaud de la Ferriere and its application in education.

Chadha, A. (2018). Building a contemplative classroom for students with anxiety

Marshall, D. (2016), The question of morality in the context of faith and reason

Hauka, D. (2010), Drinks at Plato’s: Creating a contemporary symposium. Note: D. Hauka was a MA student in Graduate Liberal Studies Program in Humanities

Moran, A. (2004), Philosophy as pedagogy

Telfer, S. (2004).  Sweet milk years embrace us: An embodied ethics of care

Gamini, R. (2004), Uncovering the self: An introspective approach through ethica living, mindfulness, and experiential knowledge

Miner, K. (2004), Taoist pedagogy for education

Banack, H. (2004), The question is the answer: An interrogative exploration of life, education and schooling

Andersen, C. (2003), Teaching students how to care:  An analysis of care practices through activity theory

Cameron, D. (2003), The gentle art of mindfulness in Buddhist psychology and embodied psychotherapies

Frost, L. (2003), The paradox of caring professions

Aebi, R. (2001), Beyond the malaise of postmodernity: The role of art to essential meaning

Jaltema, E.S. (2002), Leading students towards caring and moral wisdom in an elementary school classroom: Theory and enaction

Beck, K. (2001), An ethic of inclusion for international education: A response to globalization

Mirisse, D. (2000), Stress reduction for youth through mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation

Klassen, L. (2000), Education that nurtures the soul: Arts as the nutrients

Rasmussen, D. (1999), “The queen wishes her red children to learn the cunning of the white man:” The myth of educating Inuit out of ”primitive childhood“ and into economic adulthood

Wereley, R.L. (1998), Agency, ideology, and education: An interpretation

Master's Student Supervison (Simon Fraser University)

I have served as Program Coordinator for MA, M.Ed., and Instruction in Inclusion and Diversity programs from 1996 to 2001, during which I coordinated approximately 75 students and supervised the comprehensive exams of over 30 Master’s students.

External Examiner in PhD and EdD Oral Examinations (in Canada)

  • Ahmed, M. M. (2024). Three tales in journey towards wisdom: Decolonial impetuses in social innovation. University of Waterloo.
  • Adam, M. (2021). Finding the self that teaches: A co-active coaching approach to mindful practice and wellbeing in education. Ontario Institute of Studies in Education, University of Toronto, ON
  • Latremouille, J. (2019). Teachers as eco-intellectuals: Cultivating miyo pimatisiwin. University of Calgary, Alberta.
  • Phaetthayanan, S. (2019). How to work wisely: Work wisdom arising from three dimensional mindfulness. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, ON.
  • Bliss, S. (2019). Interconnections between self and others: Building an ethical foundation for a mindful model of spatial literary. York University, Toronto, ON.
  • Wu, B. (2019). Poetic inquiry: My journey in language. Department of Language and Literacy, University of British Columbia, BC.
  • Ward, M. (2018). Secret history of listening. La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia.
  • Eaves, N. (2018). Rising waves, breathless wind, Lacan, Zen and adolescence: Illuminating Sunyata in the dualism of education. School of Humanities, Curtin University, Western Australia, Australia
  • Rankin, T. (2017). Re-authoring empathy: Constructing narratives of empathic understanding and engagement in higher education. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, ON.
  • Kahil, R. (2017). The complexities of ‘shame’: An exploration of human connection. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, ON
  • Espinoza, M. (2016). Language 'as' element: The sentiment registers of communicative practice. Curriculum Theory and Implementation (EDUC).
  • Leahy, B. F. (2016). Building self-compassion in adolescents through a mindfulness program. University of Calgary, Canada.
  • Sharma, R. S. (2016). Canadian youth yogis using yoga to manage stress: A narrative inquiry with decolonizing methodologies. Graduate Program in Education (GPE), York University, Canada.
  • Waddington, T. (2015). Chasing the existential ironic. Curriculum Theory and Implementation (EDUC).
  • Nicholson, V. (2015) Pedagogic moments: Adventures in relatedness, touch and tact. School of Education, Curtin University, Western University.
  • Motha, J. (2015). Meditation and holistic contemplative pedagogy: An exploration of the relationship of five teachers’ meditation practices to the pedagogical process. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto.
  • Wortherspoon, B. (2014). Perceptions of inseparability: A heuristic response to Thomas Berry’s call for connection. Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Morgan, P. (2013). Learning feelings: Foundations of contemplative education. School of Humanities and Languages, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia.
  • Metcalfe, B. (2012). Pedagogy of mythos. Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Social Justice Education, University of Toronto.
  • Irish, E. (2010). The deep slumber of decided opinion: How teachers and school administrators understand controversial issue policy. Department of Theory and Policy Studies, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
  • Batacharya, S. (2010). Life in a body: Counter-hegemonic understanding of violence, oppression, healing and embodiment among young South Asian women. Department of Adult Education and Community Development, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
  • Yu, A. (2008). Relational structures among worldview, self-view, moral inclusiveness, and moral orientation: A holistic and complementary perspective. Department of Educational, Counselling Psychology, and Special Education, University of British Columbia.
  • Beeman, C. (2006). Another way of knowing and being: Opening attentive receptivity and meander-knowing through reading Spinoza and Heidegger in the company of elders. Faculty of Education, Queen’s University.
  • Kim, S. (2006). The task of education in global times: An inquiry into the seventh national curriculum in Korea. Department of Secondary Education, University of Alberta.
  • Foster, C. R. (2006). The ethical teacher: A case for dialogical resistance. Department of Theory and Policy Studies in Education, OISE, University of Toronto.
  • Parsonson, J. (2004). Present moments, present lives: Teacher transformation through art-making. Faculty of Education, Queens University.
  • McArthur-Blair, J. (2004). The inner life: A conversation with educational leaders. Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia.
  • Feng, F. (2003). Between immediacy and reification: Quotidian pedagogy, narrative, and recovery of language and meaning in nature. Centre for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction, University of British Columbia.

External Examiner in MA and PhD Oral Examinations

  • Anderson, S. (2015). Artistic sadhana: A praxis of English Awakening. Arts Education (EDUC).
  • I was an External oral examiner at eleven MA oral examinations at the Faculty of Education at SFU. I was internal/external examiner at eighteen doctoral oral examinations at Simon Fraser University.
  • I was a reader ~15 times or more for PhD comprehensive examinations at Simon Fraser University, and for over 35 for MEd comprehensive exams.