How to use

  1. Make sure you are connected to the SFU VPN or to campus Wi-Fi.
  2. Once connected, refresh this page and sign in to Tableau using your SFU ID and Password.
  3. Select your academic unit and semesters for comparison, and click “GO” to get to the main overview page of the report. 
  4. To view the responses to each question from the courses within your academic unit, click the green “Click here to see [question number] responses by courses” button for each question. From there, you can click on “Next Question” or “Previous Question” in the top left to navigate to another question, or “Back to Overview” to return to the overview page.
  5. To make another selection, click on "Go back to select another comparison" at the top left of the overview page.

For more details and explanation of terms used in the dashboard, refer to the dashboard information page.