Tools for Technical Communicators

Introduction to Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign is the most popular page design and layout software on the market. InDesign is used by amateurs and professionals alike to design and create printed material of all forms, from simple promotional materials such as postcards and posters, to brochures, newsletters, magazines, and books.

Course work will be based on the design and creation of a pair of simple documents derived from real-world scenarios: a folded brochure, and a small, stapled booklet. As you design and create these simple documents you will explore the rich assortment of tools offered by InDesign, to reach the point where you can confidently use InDesign to create a broad range of printed materials.


Location: Online
Format: Self-paced within deadlines set by instructor
Duration: 4 weeks
Tuition: $475
Can be applied to:
Technical Communication Certificate

Upcoming Offerings

Register for a course at any time, with the option to apply to a program later.

Start Date
Start Date
Seats Available
Seats Available
Start DateTue, Oct 7, 2025
  • Tue, Oct 7 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Oct 14 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Oct 21 (self-paced all week)
  • Tue, Oct 28 (self-paced all week)
Seats Available24

What you will learn

After completing this course, you’ll be able to do the following:

  • Recall and relate the complex assortment of InDesign menus, tools and panels
  • Explain the purpose and the correct use of InDesign's main tools and panels
  • Evaluate sample documents and their basic structure in terms of InDesign's elements
  • Use InDesign's menus, tools and panels to design and create a broad range of printed materials
  • Select from InDesign's menus, tools and panels, to make changes to existing InDesign documents

How you will learn and be evaluated

  • Prepare to spend 10–15 hours per week on coursework
  • Expect reading and other assignments on a weekly basis
  • Plan to access the course at least once every few days to keep up with your work and assignments

You will be evaluated on:

  • Assignments
  • Participation in discussions

Learning Materials

No textbook is required. We will provide all course materials online.

Recommended reading:

Anton, Kelly Kordes and DeJarld, Tina. Adobe InDesign CC (2019 release): Classroom in a Book. Adobe Press, 2019.

Technical Requirements

For online courses, you will need a computer with audio and microphone that is connected to the internet. Canvas is the online system that will be used for the course. For more information and online support, visit Online Learning.

This course requires:

  • Access to Adobe InDesign for the full duration of the course. You may purchase either a copy of the software or a subscription from Adobe. Please note the trial version of the software is only active for seven days. 
  • High-speed internet access

English Language Requirements

To succeed in this course, you will need an advanced level of written and spoken English. If you are unsure whether your English language skills are sufficient, we recommend you complete the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with the following minimums:

  • Overall band score minimum 6.5
  • No band below 6.0
  • Writing band score minimum 8.0

Please note we can’t refund your registration fees after the course start date if you find your English language skills are not adequate.

If you have questions or concerns about your English language proficiency, we encourage you to contact your local IELTS Test Centre.