November 28, 2013 Meeting Summary

Board Members present: B. Taylor, Chair; A. Petter, President; B. Cunningham; J. Francis; A. Giardini; W. Grant-John; J. Hinchliffe; J. Kim; Y. Norouzi;
D. Poole; P. Ruben

Regrets:  L. Brown-Ganzert; C. Kwon; C. Taylor


A.        Finance and Administration

a.         Fundraising Progress Reports: The Board noted year-to-date progress reports as follows:

Fundraising Progress Report
For Information
2013/2014 Year to Date

To September 30, 2013


To October 31, 2013



b.         The Board approved the Terms of Reference for:

  •         The Social Innovation Initiative (RADIUS) Fund;
  •         The Wright Endowed Award in Women’s Swimming;
  •         The Lorna Court Gerontology Faculty Support Fund; and
  •         The Edelmayer Endowed Undergraduate Award in Earth Sciences.

c.         The Board received for information an update on the BUILD SFU—Student Union Building/Stadium Project.

d.         The Board received for information the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) and were informed that a series of hazard, function and
            department specific annexes to the document will be updated or developed as part of the future implementation of the CEMP concept.

e.         The Board approved an addition to Policy B10.11 Signing Authorizations, Resolution 16 – Authority for Non-Financial Statement Audits, and a number
            of non-material changes, effective immediately.

f.          The Board noted for information SFU’s confirmation to the Ministry of Advanced Education of the University’s second quarter budget forecast and
            projections for 2013/14 to 2016/17.

g.         The Board noted for information the Year-to-Date Budget to Actual Variance Report as of September 30, 2013.

h.         The Board received a report from the Vice-President, Finance and Administration summarizing the major activities and initiatives in the departments
            within her portfolio as of November 2013. 

B.         Academic Operations

a.         The Board approved the following actions recommended by Senate:

  •         The Dissolution of the Ergonomics and Human Factors Concentration, Kinesiology Major and Honours Program in the Department of Biomedical
            Physiology and Kinesiology within the Faculty of Science, effective Summer 2014, and,
  •         The Full Program Proposal for a Certificate in Genomics in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry within the Faculty of Science,
            effective Summer 2014.

b.         The Board received the following Annual Reports and External Review Updates/Action Plan for information:

  • The 2012/13 Annual Report of the Research Ethics Board;
  • The Action Plan for the Department of Geography that resulted from its External Review;
  • The External Review Update Report for the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies;
  • The External Review Update Report for the Department of Linguistics, and,
  • The External Review Update Report for the Department of Philosophy.

c.         Other matters dealt with by Senate on October 7 and November 4, 2013 were noted for information.

d.         The Board approved revisions to Policy A32.03 – University Professor effective January 1, 2014.

e.         The Board received for information the mid-year update of the 2013/14 Faculty Renewal Plan.

f.          The Board received for information the Lifelong Learning Community Report for fiscal year 2012-2013.

g.         The Board received for information a copy of ViewPoint Academic, a fall newsletter of the Vice-President, Academic, dated November 5, 2013.

C.        Other

a.         The President commented on the highly successful September 28 to October 4 SFU Public Square Community Summit that focused on “Charting British
            Columbia’s Economic Future.”  Over 1,000 people contributed to its research and over 4,000 participated in Summit events that elicited 13 Op Ed
            pieces in the Vancouver Sun.  Events included a youth forum, 100 community conversations in 27 locales across the province, forums on issues of
            taxation and immigration, a deliberative dialogue involving over 150 representatives from diverse constituencies and interest groups, a Vancity
            sponsored public event with economist Robert Reich, and a wrap-up comedy cabaret.

b.         A. Petter reported on the success of fall Convocation, recent alumni events in Calgary and San Francisco, the sixth annual Diwali Gala on October 24
            that contributes to the strengthening of ties between SFU and the South Asian community, and the President’s Annual SFU Surrey Gala Dinner on
            November 7.

c.         A. Petter briefed the Board on his recent trip to Hong Kong and China accompanied by several vice-presidents and deans. He reported that he attended
            the Annual General Meeting of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED), chaired by the Vice
            Premier of China, and signed agreements with top institutions including Jilin University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, and Beijing
            Institute of Technology, to create new opportunities for research collaborations and/or student exchanges.  In addition, meetings were held with
            officials from the China Scholarship Council and Canadian Ambassador Guy St Jacques, and Alumni Receptions held in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong

d.         President Petter reported that the Men’s Soccer team won its second straight NCAA West Region Championship and is advancing to the “Final Four”
            Division 2 NCAA Championship in Georgia on December 5.

e.         The Board received a report from the Vice-President, Research on research-related matters and notable achievements, noting in particular that in fiscal
            year 2013, the University’s research income penetrated the $100 million ceiling.

f.          The Board received a report from the Vice-President, Legal Affairs summarizing (a) personal safety policies, programs and practices; (b) harassment
            and human rights protections and outreach; and (c) additional student-focused proactive initiatives, and the policy framework for responding to
            inappropriate conduct.


A.        Finance and Administration

a.         The draft minutes of and excerpts from the report to the Investment Advisory Committee meeting of October 4, 2013 were received by the Board for

b.         The Board received the fundraising progress reports for September and October 2013.

c.         Other matters were discussed.

B.         Academic Operations

a.         Faculty Appointments

            The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:

  •         Dr. Cenk Sahinalp, Computing Science, appointed Tier I Canada Research Chair in Computational Genomics, 1 May 13 – 30 Apr 20
  •         Dr. Diane Gromala, Interactive Arts & Technology, re-appointed as a Tier II Canada Research Chair in Computational Technologies for Transforming             Pain, 1 Aug 13 – 31 Jul 18
  •         Dr. Ralph Mistleberger, Psychology, University Professor, 1 Sep 13 – 31 Aug 18
  •         Dr. Jonathan Jedwab, Mathematics, University Professor, 1 Sep 13 – 31 Aug 18

b.         Other

            The Board approved:

  •         Professor Emeritus status for Chris Welsby, retroactively to 1 Sep 11
  •         An early retirement in History, effective April 30, 2014
  •         An early retirement in Sociology and Anthropology, effective April 30, 2014
  •         A special salary award in Economics, effective September 1, 2013

c.         The President’s Report on 2012/2013 Contract Renewal, Tenure and Promotion Considerations was received by the Board for information:              




Applied Sciences

Computing Science

A. Shriraman

Assistant Professor

Engineering Science

W.S. Kim

Assistant Professor

Arts & Social Sciences


F. Aragon Sanchez

A. McGee

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Political Science

A. Fourot

Assistant Professor

Communication, Art and Technology


E. Brophy

K. Reilly

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Interactive Arts and Technology

K. Hennessy

C. Neustaedter

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor



K. Zickfeld

Assistant Professor

Resource and Environmental Mgt.

J. Moore*

Assistant Professor

Health Sciences

Health Sciences

A. Kaida

Assistant  Professor


Biological Sciences

J. Moore*

Assistant Professot

* = faculty with joint appointments


(for faculty hired at the rank of Associate Professor without tenure)



Health Sciences

Health Sciences

M. Brockman*

Associate Professor


Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

M. Brockman*

Associate Professor


E. Girt

Associate Professor

* = faculty with joint appointments




Applied Sciences

Engineering Science

S. Arzanpour

Associate Professor

Arts & Social Sciences


M. Bouchard

Associate Professor


B. Antoine

Associate Professor


D. Reder*

D. Solomon

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

First Nations Studies

D. Reder*

A. Ross

Associate Professor

Associate Professor


A. Mahmood

Associate Professor


E. O’Brien*

Associate Professor


E. O’Brien*

Associate Professor

International Studies

M. Jerven

Associate Professor

Political Science

S. Weldon

Associate Professor

Sociology and Anthropology

M. Hathaway

Associate Professor

Beedie School of Business

Beedie School of Business

K. Hrazdil

R. Krishnan

J. Niu

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Communication, Art and Technology

Contemporary Arts

S. Hill

Associate Professor

Interactive Arts and Technology

P. Pasquier

Associate Professor



R. Ilieva

V. Kelly

S. Marshall

M. Schmidt

D. van der Way

A. Wise

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Health Sciences

Health Sciences

N. Berry

S. Erikson

P. Nepomnaschy

J. Snyder

S. Venners

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor


Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology

T. Claydon

V. Claydon

Associate Professor

Associate Professor


M. DeVos

Associate Professor

Statistics and Actuarial Science

D. Campbell

J. Cao

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

* = faculty with joint appointments




Applied Sciences

Computing Science

F. Ergun

A. Bulatov



Arts & Social Sciences


L. Bell



P. Klein



P. Budra



H. Chaudhury



K. Akins

L. Shapiro



Sociology and Anthropology

D. Culhane


Communication, Art and Technology

Contemporary Arts

H. Daniel




C. Bingham

M. Fettes


Associate Professor



D. Yang


Resource and Environmental Mgt.

E. Pinkerton



Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology

A. Brooks-Wilson



S. Choi

N. Nigam

J. Stockie




Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

J. Chen

R. Holt

M. Paetzel




Statistics and Actuarial Science

D. Bingham



C.        Audit Committee Report

a.         The Board received for information the Audit Plan for 2013/14 and an update to the University’s Enterprise Risk Management Plan.  The Board also
            heard a report from Audit Committee Chair B. Cunningham on other matters dealt with by the Committee at its meeting of November 19, 2013.

D.        Governance Committee Report

a.         Following on the September 26, 2013 approval by the Board to realign the Board Committee Structure, including Terms of Reference and Procedures
            for Board Standing Committees effective January 2014, the Board delegated to the President the responsibility for the approval of the appointment of
            Deans, and academic appointments concluded under Policy A10.06 (Appointment of Specially Funded University Chairs, University Professors and
            Research Fellows).  The President will provide a summary report on the use of these delegated powers to the Board through the Human Resources
            Committee at least on an annual basis.

E.         Other

a.         The Board received the President’s Activities Report for September and October 2013.

b.         The Board received copies of Minister Amrik Virk’s letter of November 15, 2013 and Terms of Reference for each post-secondary institution to
            undertake a core review of its programming, and engaged in a preliminary discussion about SFU’s plans to respond.

c.         Other matters were discussed.


s.          The Board approved revised Criteria for the Selection of the Chancellor as provided for in Board Policy B10.12.

b.         On recommendation of the Committee to Review the President Prior to Reappointment, the Board unanimously approved the reappointment of
            President Andrew Petter effective September 1, 2015 for a further five year term.

c.         Other matters were discussed.

The next Board of Governors meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 30, 2014 in Strategy Room 420 of The Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, 580 West Hastings Street, Vancou