November 26, 2009 Meeting Summary

Board Members present: M. Francis, Chair; M. Stevenson, President;
A. Barton,A. Dhillon; P. Dhillon; B. Elton; K. Harding; J. McPhee;
D. Pekarsky; P. Percival; B. Taylor; J. Zaichkowsky  Regrets:  B. Louie; L. Brown-Ganzert; N. MacKay


A. Finance and Administration

  1. Fundraising Progress Reports: The Board noted year-to-date progress reports as follows:


    Fundraising Progress Report
    For Information
    2009/2010 Year to Date

    To August 31, 2009


    To September 30, 2009


    To October 31, 2009


  2. The Board approved the Terms of Reference for:

  • The Mitsubishi Corporation International Scholarship;
  • The Nancy McKinstry Endowment Fund Supporting the Nancy McKinstry Graduate Scholarship for Leadership;
  • The Barbara Dunfield International Business Competition Team Sponsorship Fund. 
  1. The Board approved revisions to Policy GP 4, Unscheduled Cancellation of Classes, effective immediately.

  2. The Board received for information an analysis of the major cost components of the University for the period 2000-01 to 2008-09.

  3. The Board received for information the draft University Planning Framework, dated November 5, 2009.

  4. The Board noted for information SFU's confirmation to the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development of the University's second quarter budget forecast and projections for 2009/10 to 2012/13.

  5. The Board noted for information the Year-to-Date Budget to Actual Variance Report for September 2009.

  6. The Board approved the re-appointment of Mr. Denis Berube as a University representative and the appointment of Ms. Pam Stroud as the APSA representative to the Administrative/Union Pension Plan Board of Trustees for the period December 1, 2009 to November 30, 2012.

B. Academic Operations

  1. The Board approved the following actions recommended by Senate:

  • The dissolution of the Centre for International Studies as a Schedule A Centre in the School for International Studies within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences;
  • The Graduate Certificate in Modelling of Complex Social Systems. 
  1. The Board received for information the 2008/2009 Annual Report of the Senate Library Committee and the Library Penalties Appeal Committee.

  2. The Board received information from the Vice-President, Academic regarding the process to review the agreement with Fraser International College. 
  3. The Board received for information an update from the Vice-President, Academic on SFU's application for accreditation with the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
  4. The mid-year update of the 2009/10 Faculty Renewal Plan was provided to the Board for information.
  5. The Board received an update on the action plan for First Nations at SFU and was informed that Mr. William Lindsay will become the first Director of the Office of First Nations, effective January 1, 2010.
  6. Other matters dealt with by Senate on October 5 and November 2, 2009 were noted.
C. Other
  1. The Board was informed that for the second year in a row, SFU has been rated Canada's best comprehensive university in Maclean's magazine's annual rankings of the country's top 48 universities.
  2. The Board learned that SFU has won a 2009 gold award for public-sector leadership in education from the Institute of Public Administration of Canada.
  3. The President reported on meetings in Asia he recently attended with SFU alumni and officials of educational institutions with which SFU has collaborative research and teaching arrangements.
  4. The Board was informed that a memorial service was held on November 23 for student-athlete, Bernd Dittrich, who died on November 11.  A memorial scholarship fund for international student-athletes at SFU has been set up in his name.
  5. The Board Chair and President thanked retiring Deputy Board Chair, Mr. Daniel Pekarsky, for his service to the Board from January 15, 2004 to January 15, 2010, and the Board was informed of two one-year Order-in-Council appointments.  Dr. Nancy MacKay has replaced Dr. Nancy McKinstry effective October 22, 2009 and Ms. Anne Giardini will replace Mr. Pekarsky effective January 15, 2010.
  6. The Board received a report from the Vice-President, Research on research-related matters, including comparative research funding data prepared by the Associate Vice-President, Research.
  7. The Board received an update from the Vice-President, Academic on various academic matters, including enrollments for 2009/2010, the Teaching and Learning Task Force, the three-year academic planning process, and the possible development of a program in medical education.


A. Finance and Administration

  1. The Board received Fundraising progress reports for August, September and October 2009.
  2. The Board was informed that the Terms of Reference for the Audain Foundation Endowment Fund have been revised to support a Visiting Artist(s) position instead of a Visiting Chair.
  3. The Board approved in principle the recommended concept plan for the future Transit Hub on Burnaby Mountain.
  4. The Board approved a revised Construction Management contract with Stuart Olson Constructors Inc. for the Chemistry Building Renewal project.
  5. The Board approved an Award of Contract for employee benefits.
  6. Other matters were discussed and approved.

B. Academic Operations

  1. Faculty Appointments

The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:

    1. Dr. Eldon Emberly, Physics, re-appointed Tier II Canada Research Chair,
      1 Sep 08 - 31 Aug 13
    2. Dr. Erol Girt, Assoc. Prof., Physics, and Tier II Canada Research Chair,
      31 Aug 09 - 31 Aug 14
    3. Dr. Ian McCarthy, Business Admin., re-appointed Tier II Canada Research Chair,
      1 May 09 - 31 Aug 14
    4. Dr. John McDonald, Psychology, re-appointed Tier II Canada Research Chair,
      1 Mar 09 - 28 Feb 14
    5. Dr. Nilima Nigam, Mathematics, Tier II Canada Research Chair, 1 May 09 - 30 Apr 14
    6. Dr. Paul Tupper, Mathematics, Tier II Canada Research Chair, 1 May 09 - 30 Apr 14
    7. Dr. David Vocadlo, Chemistry, re-appointed Tier II Canada Research Chair,
      1 May 09 - 30 Apr 14
    8. Dr. Robert Grauer, Business Admin., re-appointed Burnaby Mountain Endowed Professorship, 1 Sep 09 - 31 Aug 14
    9. Dr. Kim Trottier, Business Admin., Assist. Prof. (promotion), 1 Nov 09 - 31 Aug 13
    10. Dr. Michael Thewalt, Physics, re-appointed Burnaby Mountain Endowed Professorship,
      1 Sep 09 - 31 Aug 14  

C. Other

  1. The Board received for information the President's Activity Report for September and October 2009.
  2. Other matters were discussed.


  1. The Board approved the Annual Performance Review recommendations for the Senior Executive Group. 
  2. The Board elected Andrew Barton and Lynda Brown-Ganzert to serve on the Nominating Committee.
  3. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Board heard a short presentation from and engaged in a discussion with Ms. Lynn Copeland, Dean of Library Services and University Librarian.

The next Board of Governors Meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 28, 2010, in Rooms 1300/1500 of the Segal Graduate School of Business, 500 Granville Street, Vancouver.

In the place where innovative education, cutting-edge research and community outreach intersect, you'll find Simon Fraser University. Our vision? To be Canada's leading engaged university.

Born in 1965, SFU has become Canada's leading comprehensive university with vibrant campuses in British Columbia's largest municipalities — VancouverBurnaby and Surrey — and deep roots in partner communities throughout the province and around the world.