May 28, 2009 Meeting Summary
Board Members present: M. Francis, Chair, M. Stevenson, President;
A. Barton; N. Bocking; P. Dhillon; B. Elton; K. Harding; N. McKinstry;
J. McPhee; D. Pekarsky; P. Percival; B. Taylor; J. Zaichkowsky
Regrets: B. Louie; L. Brown-Ganzert
A. Finance and Administration
Fundraising Progress Reports: The Board noted year-to-date progress reports as follows:
Fundraising Progress Report
For Information
2008/2009 Year to DateTo March 31, 2009
Fundraising Progress Report
For Information
2009/2010 Year to DateTo April 30, 2009
The Board approved the Terms of Reference for:
- The Djavad Mowafaghian Foundation Endowment in Children's Health Policy Research;
- The Dina Taddei Memorial Endowment Fund;
- P. Dermot Murphy Endowment Fund.
The Board received for information the 2008 Annual Report of SFU's Human Rights Office.
The Board approved the elimination of the enrolment deposit for continuing students to be implemented in the 2009 Fall semester, and an increase to the admission and tuition deposit for new students to be implemented in the 2010 Spring semester.
- The Board discussed a proposal for the adoption of a formal policy regarding the consultative process with students on tuition and fees.
B. Academic Operations
- The Board approved the following actions recommended by Senate:
- Naming of the Faculty of Environment;
- The Certificate in African Studies in the Departments of History and Political Science;
- The creation of the Centre for Global Workforce Strategy as a Schedule A Centre reporting to the Dean, Faculty of Business Administration;
- The Graduate Certificate in Latin American Studies in the Latin American Studies Program in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences;
- The full program proposal for the Major, Minor and Honors programs in Biomedical Physiology from the Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology in the Faculty of Science;
- The deletion of the Minor in Education and Technology in the Faculty of Education.
- The Board received the following material for information from the Senate meeting of May 11, 2009:
- The External Review of the Department of Psychology;
- The 2008 Annual Reports of the Senate Committee on University Priorities, Senate Appeals Board, and the Senate Graduate Studies Committee.
- Other matters dealt with by Senate on April 6 and May 11, 2009 were noted for information.
- The Board received a report from the Vice-President, Academic on academic planning and other matters.
C. Audit Committee
- The Board approved the Financial Statements of the University for the year ended March 31, 2009 on the basis that the Office of the Auditor General of BC, the Universitiy's Auditor of Record, has indicated that an unqualified audit report for fiscal year 2008/2009 will be issued.
D. Other
- The Board heard a brief report about SFU Harbour Centre's 20th Anniversary Celebrations held on May 5, 2009.
- The Board was informed that the President's Distinguished Community Leadership Award was presented to Gordon and Leslie Diamond on April 29, 2009.
- The President briefed the Board on the Chinatown and Beyond International Conference held from May 13 to 15, 2009 at the Segal Graduate School of Business.
- The Board Chair indicated that the first meeting of the newly established External Relations Committee of the Board will take place on June 17, 2009. He thanked P. Dhillon and A. Barton for their service to the now disbanded Advancement Advisory Committee.
- The Board heard an update on Requests for Expressions of Interest regarding student residences.
- The Board received a report from the Vice-President, Research on a number of recent research awards, funding announcements and funding successes.
- Board members were reminded that Convocation ceremonies will take place in Burnaby from June 2 to 5, 2009.
- The Board Chair thanked retiring Board member and former Board Chair, Dr. Nancy McKinstry, for her service to the Board from January 27, 2005 to June 30, 2009. He also thanked outgoiing student Board member, Ms. Natalie Bocking, for her contributions to the work of the Board during her one year term ending May 31, 2009. The Board was also informed that effective June 1, 2009, Mr. Arry Dhillon has been elected and Mr. Kevin Harding re-elected by students for one year terms ending May 31, 2010.
- M. Francis, Board Chair and Chair of the Presidential Search Committee (PSC), gave a brief update on the activities of the PSC to date.
Information about the PSC and its work may be accessed at:
- P. Percival, Board member and faculty member in the Department of Chemistry, gave a brief update on the issue of chemical safety and noted that the safety committee is sharing its expertise across the University in an advisory capacity.
A. Finance and Administration
- The Board received for information the Fundraising Progress Reports for March and April 2009.
- The Board received for information a Capital Projects and Planning Program Status Report as of May 2009.
- The Board approved the Five-Year Capital Plan for 2009/10 to 2013/14.
- The Board received for information the Business Case submitted to the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development with respect to SFU's application for funding of the Chemistry Building renewal project.
B. Academic Operations
- Faculty Appointments
The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:
- Dr. Sara Smyth, Assistant Professor, Criminology, 1 Sep 09 - 31 Aug 13
- Dr. Morten Jerven, Assistant Professor, International Studies, 1 Aug 09 - 31 Aug 13
- Ms. Holly Andersen, Instructor, Philosophy, 1 Sep 09 - 31 Aug 13
- Dr. Atiya Mahmood, Assistant Professor, Gerontology, 1 Sep 09 - 31 Aug 13
- Administrative Appointments
The following administrative appointments were appproved and have been accepted:
- Dr. Nic Schmitt, Chair, Economics, 1 Sep 09 - 31 Aug 12
- Dr. Lisa Shapiro, Chair, Philosophy, 1 Sep 09 - 31 Aug 12
- Dr. Carole Gerson, Chair, English, 1 Sep 09 - 31 Aug 10
- Dr. Betty Schellenberg, Chair, English, 1 Sep 10 - 31 Aug 13
- Dr. Rejean Canac-Marquis, Chair, French, 1 Sep 09 - 31 Aug 11
- Dr. Tom Perry, Chair, Linguistics, 1 Sep 09 - 31 Aug 12
- Other
The Board approved:
- A joint appointment in the Departments of Political Science and Sociology and Anthropology, effective 1 Sep 09
- An early retirement in Health Sciences, effective April 30, 2008
- An early retirement in Education, effective August 31, 2009
C. Audit Committee
- The Board received the annual Internal Audit Report for information.
- The Board received the annual Insurance and Risk Management Report for information.
- The Board received for information an update to the University's Risk Management Plan.
- The Board received information about potential changes to the financial reporting standards for not-for-profit organizations, which includes universities, when new International Financial Reporting Standards take effect in January 2011.
D. Other
- The Board received the President's Activity Report for March and April 2009.
- The Board heard an update on governance matters at the Great Northern Way Campus.
- The Board was informed that UBC will become the new host university for the Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) National Centre of Excellence currently housed at SFU.
- The Board was informed that SFU has received a non-compliance order with respect to the Tobacco Control Act, which was updated as of March 31, 2008 to prohibit smoking in public areas. To promote a healthy environment and to prevent having financial penalties levied against SFU, efforts are underway to raise awareness of the no-smoking zones on campus.
- Other matters were discussed.
- At the conclusion of the Board meeting, the Board heard a presentation from and engaged in a discussion with President Stevenson about hsi views on strategic directions for the University.
The next Board of Governors Meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 23, 2009, in Room 126 of the Halpern Centre, SFU Burnaby.