November 28, 2002 Meeting Summary
A. Finance and Administration
- Donations: the Board approved terms of reference and accepted donations to new funds, and accepted donations to existing funds, as follows:
MONTH NEW FUNDS EXISTING FUNDS September, 2002 $27,580 $393,358 October, 2002 $147,025 $472,962 - The Board received the year-to-date Financial Position Report as at September 30, 2002 for information.
- The Board received the Due Diligence Report 2002, which reports the University’s compliance with various pieces of legislation within the Board’s jurisdiction.
- The Board approved the appointment of Rick Johnson as trustee of the Administrative/Union Pension Plan until November 30, 2004, and Bruce Anderson as trustee of the Administrative/Union Pension Plan until November 30, 2005.
- The Board heard that the University’s Budget Principles were being revised so that the budget and any recommendation regarding tuition would come to the March Board meeting. The practice of submitting a notice of motion on tuition fees one meeting prior to the vote on the motion is being discontinued. However, the consultation process with the community is being expanded and will commence earlier in order to be as thorough and inclusive as possible.
B. Academic Operations
- The Board approved the establishment of the Centre for Wildlife Ecology, the Centre for Public Policy Research, and the proposal for a Certificate Program in Labour Studies. The Board received information that Senate has approved curriculum changes in the Faculty of Arts in Archaeology, Asia-Canada Program, Contemporary Arts, Criminology, Economics, English, Geography, History, Humanities, Linguistics, Political Science, and Sociology/Anthropology.
- The Board received the 2001/2002 Centres and Institutes Report for information.
- The Board approved the revised Policy A10.04 – Hiring of Foreign Faculty Members. The changes will make the policy consistent with Federal Immigration rules, and will formalize reimbursement of immigration processing fees and extend this benefit to applicants’ family members.
- The Board received the 2002/2003 Faculty Renewal Report for information. The Board heard that the University is entering a period of significant faculty renewal. It is anticipated that approximately 50 faculty positions will need to be filled each year for the next several years.
C. Other
- The Board approved revisions to the responsibilities of the Academic Operations Committee, the terms of reference and responsibilities of the Finance and Administration Committee, the terms of reference of the Executive Committee, and the amalgamation of the Employee Relations and Compensation Committees.
- The Board heard that there are a number of exciting opportunities for SFU to establish institutional relationships and develop exchange opportunities with some of the top universities in China. The University will continue to develop these opportunities.
- The Board heard a report on the recent allocation of $23m from the provincial government for a new Technology and Applied Science Complex, which will accommodate expansion of the engineering and computing science programs under the Double the Opportunity program. Completion is expected by the summer of 2005. The Board also heard of the provincial allocation of $7m to match federal funding in support of five SFU research programs under the Canada Foundation for Innovation program.
- The Board heard that two outstanding faculty members from the Faculty of English have received national honours. Professor Emeritus George Bowering has been named Canada’s first Poet Laureate, and Dr. Roy Miki has been awarded the Governor General’s award for Poetry.
- The Board heard a report on the recent Maclean’s rankings, which placed SFU third overall among comprehensive universities in Canada. The slippage in overall operating budgets in BC is one factor contributing to SFU’s lower ranking. Increased attention to student recruitment issues in the two top-ranked universities, Guelph and Waterloo, was also a factor.
- The Board heard that that Discovery Parks Inc., established to promote research and the transfer of technology, and of which SFU is a founding member, has won two awards, one for research park achievement from the Association of University Research Parks, and the second from the Urban Design Institute for best industrial/office park design.
- The Board heard about a number of initiatives and awards in support of research at SFU:
(1)SFU recently signed two agreements with Genome BC that will give SFU researchers access to significant funding and facilities, including provincial matching funds.
(2)The CRC program has increased the number of chairs allocated to SFU from 40 to 44.
(3)The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) has announced a $5m allocation for the New Opportunities program. The program will require matching funds from the province and from other sources. - The Board that two pieces of Bill Reid art have been donated to the University. They are plaster casts of the elements, and will be kept in storage until they can be appropriately displayed.
A. Finance and Administration
- The Board approved that the former Bank of Montreal Building at Pender and Granville streets be named the Segal Graduate School of Business.
B. Academic Operations
- Faculty Appointments
The following academic appointments were approved and have been accepted:
Dr. Michael Eikerling Assistant Professor Chemistry 01/05/03 – 31/08/07 Dr. Eldon Emberly Assistant Professor Physics 01/09/03 – 31/08/07 Mr. Karim Karim Instructor Engineering Science 01/02/03 – 31/08/05 Dr. Joy Parr Nancy and Jack Farley EndowedProfessorship Humanities 01/07/02 – 30/06/12 Dr. Scott Lear Assistant Professor Kinesiology 01/01/03 – 31/08/06 Dr. Ian McCarthy Associate Professor Business Administration 01/Feb/03 – 31/Aug/07 Dr. Andrew Feenberg Professor and CRC Chair Communication 01/Sept/03 - Administrative Appointments
There were no Administrative appointments.
- Other
(i) The Board approved the granting of the title Professor Emeritus to Dr. Richard Boyer, History, effective 01 September 2002.
(ii) The Board approved the promotion to Assistant Professor of Dr. Collette Colligan, English, effective 01 December 2002.
(iii) The Board received for information the resignations of Dr. Jamal Deen, Engineering Science, and Dr. Gail Faurschou, Communication, both effective 31 August 2002.
(iv) The Board approved the early retirements of Dr. James Dean, Economics, Ms. Mary Harris, Library Processing, Dr. Susan Wendell, Women's Studies, and Dr. Andrew Yim, MBB, all effective 31 August 2003.
C. Other
- The Board approved that B. Rowe and N. Olewiler be appointed to the Nominating Committee of the Board of Governors.
There is no business to report from the Confidential Session
The next Board of Governors Meeting will be held at 3 p.m. in Room 320 of the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue on January 30, 2003.