Please find below links and resources for departmental and university safety. For any questions regarding departmental safety please contact the Laboratory Manager (, 778-782-5333).
The Department of Archaeology Safety canvas page is a useful resource for all departmental personnel (staff, students, and faculty). Forms and other safety documents can be downloaded from the canvas site.
The Department of Archaeology TA and RA training page reviews the training required for all TAs and RAs. Please note, all employee training should be done on paid time.
As per the Department's Laboratory Safety Training Policy, EHS laboratory safety training must take place before any undergraduate or graduate student can work in archaeology laboratories.
Proof of this training in the form of copies of Safety Certificates and lab specific orientation checklists must be sent to the Laboratory Manager ( Failure to produce this documentation will result in loss of access to laboratory space. These safety courses are offered every semester. Most courses are valid for three years, after which you need to refresh your training.
The Department of Archaeology Fieldwork Safety canvas page has resources, forms and safety training relevant to local and international fieldwork. EHS also has additional resources that may be helpful for planning your fieldwork.
All travel for research or conferences must follow SFU's travel policy and travellers must register with the SFU travel safety program. As of September 8, 2020, SFU has adopted an interim university-related international travel policy. Please review the interim policy for travel guidance during this time. Please note that the interim policy does not apply to personal travel or sabbatical leave.

Campus Public Safety ensures the safety and security of the SFU campuses. Please check their website, as well as the Safety and Risk Services general safety page, for updates on general campus safety.