McKillop, Vanessa |
2019 |
Weji-sqalia’tiek, they ‘sprouted up from the earth’: Archaeology and Management of Shubenacadie River Valley Paleoshorelines, Nova Scotia |
MacMillan, Jodie |
2019 |
An Archaeological Investigation of Subalpine and Alpine Use in the Southeast Yukon |
Pitul, Michael |
2019 |
Underwater Cultural Heritage Law and Policy in Ontario: History and Prospects for Reform |
Stefanyshen, Earl |
2019 |
Microstratigraphic protocol to assess the impact of wildland fires on subsurface archaeological sites |
O'Neill, Casey |
2019 |
Luck of the Draw: Risk Considerations, Management Responses, and Policy Implications for Archaeological Chance Finds in British Columbia, Canada |
Settle, Kathleen |
2019 |
Vacuum Truck Excavation as a New and Effective Technique in Urban Archaeology; an In-depth Assessment and Comparison against Traditional Methodology |
Johnson, Meghan |
2019 |
Technological Analysis of Site 35MA375: A Biface Cache Site |
Allan, Alec |
2019 |
MA |
Risk and Toolkit Structure in the Pacific Northwest |
McCauley, Brea |
2019 |
MA |
A multidisciplinary analysis of ancient Maya finger caches |
Koopowitz Candice |
2019 |
MA |
An evaluation of the infrared 630cm-1 O-H libration band in bone mineral as evidence of fire in the early archaeological record |
Kobes, Tyrel |
2019 |
River Through the Dry Prairie: Heritage Resource Management and the Archaeology of the Southeastern Qu’Appelle River Valley in Saskatchewan |
Nahal, Harman |
2019 |
MA |
Assessing the Impact of High versus Low Velocity Thoracic Trauma: A Study of Experimental Rib Fracturing using Juvenile Pigs (Sus scrofa) |
Tinkcom, Marina |
2019 |
The Present Status of the Curation Crisis and Deaccessioning in the United States |
Hogg, Erin |
2019 |
PhD |
Archaeological Data as Evidence in Aboriginal Rights and Title Litigation in Canada |
Taddesse, Habtamu |
2019 |
PhD |
The Pre-Aksumite to Aksumite Transition in Eastern Tigrai, Ethiopia: The View from Ona Adi |
Beaulieu, Sarah |
2019 |
PhD |
Archaeology of Internment at the Morrissey WWI Camp |
Pollock (McLeod), Jaclyn |
2018 |
MA |
Building Representation: The Development of Barkerville Historic Town & Park’s Chinese Narrative |
Pollock, Cameron |
2018 |
MA |
In Pursuit of the Quarry: Exploring Lithic Exchange on the Interior Plateau of British Columbia |
Walder-Hoge, Zoe |
2018 |
MA |
Adapting to Environmental Change: An ethnoarchaeological approach to traditional farming knowledge in Northern Ethiopia |
Vanderwel, Megan |
2018 |
A Critical Evaluation of Winter Archaeological Impact Assessments for Proposed Oil and Gas Developments in Northeast British Columbia |
Fisk, Shera |
2018 |
MA |
The Differential Degradation of Immature and Mature Bone in Diverse Environments: A Controlled Experiment Using Pig (Sus scrofa) Skeletal Remains |
Gooderham, Ellie |
2018 |
MA |
Growth as an Indicator of Social and Economic Transition from the Islamic to Late Medieval Christian Period in Portugal: A Comparative Study of Linear and Appositional Growth |
Springer, Chris |
2018 |
PhD |
Territory, Tenure, and Territoriality Among the Ancestral Coast Salish of SW British Columbia and NW Washington State |
Freeland, Travis |
2018 |
PhD |
Monumental Architecture and Landscape History of the Tongan Classical Chiefdom |
Henry, Shea |
2018 |
PhD |
Late pre-contact era Taíno subsistence economy and diet: zooarchaeological perspectives from Maima |
Pendleton, Roxanne |
2017 |
MA |
Microfauna at Tse’K’wa: Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction in the Peace River Region, Northeast British Columbia |
Simons, Eric |
2017 |
MA |
Archaeologists and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge in British Columbia |
Crowell, Travis |
2017 |
MA |
Settlement and Sea-Level Histories: Refining Holocene Sea-Levels in Kanish and Waiatt Bays, Quadra Island |
Lison, Sarah |
2017 |
MA |
The Sacred and the Digital: Managing Heritage in an Open Access World |
Toniello, Ginevra |
2017 |
MA |
11,000 Years of Human-Clam Relationships on Quadra Island, Salish Sea, British Columbia |
Harris, Megan |
2017 |
MA |
From English Camp to Bible Camp to Spirit Camp: Ground Stone Disk Beads in the Salish Sea |
Edmunds, Hannah |
2017 |
MA |
More than Food: An exploration of the social significance of faunal remains at st’ám̓es (DkRs 6) |
Lewis-Botica, Jennifer |
2017 |
PhD |
Revaluing “looted” archaeological materials at Fort Apache and Theodore Roosevelt School National Historic Landmark, Arizona |
Astudillo, Fernando |
2017 |
PhD |
Environmental Historical Archaeology of the Galápagos Islands: Paleoethnobotany of Hacienda El Progreso, 1870-1904 |
Balanzategui, Daniela |
2017 |
PhD |
Archaeology of Afro-Ecuadorians in La Concepción, Ancestral Territory of the Chota-Mira Valley, Carchi, Ecuador |
Armstrong, Chelsey |
2017 |
PhD |
Historical Ecology of Cultural Landscapes in the Pacific Northwest |
Carleton, Chris |
2017 |
PhD |
Archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Time-series Analysis |
Peterson, Elizabeth |
2017 |
PhD |
Development of craft specialization during the Pre-Aksumite period in Eastern Tigrai, Ethiopia: A study of hide-working traditions |
Brown, Kelly |
2016 |
MA |
Developing Minimally Impactful Protocols for DNA Analysis of Museum Collection Bone Artifacts |
Mathews, Bethany |
2016 |
MA |
A Spatial Analysis of Pleistocene-Holocene Transition Sites in the Southern Columbia Plateau and Northern Great Basin of North America |
Thibodeau, Megan |
2016 |
MA |
Identifying 1 Mya Fire in Wonderwerk Cave with Micromorphology and Fourier - Transform Infrared Microspectroscopy |
Spake, Laure |
2016 |
MA |
Selecting an appropriate reference sample for juvenile age estimation methods in a forensic context |
Kasstan, Steven |
2016 |
PhD |
Caribou is Life: An Ethnoarchaeology of Ethen-eldèli Denesųłiné Respect for Caribou |
Zhang, Hua Grace |
2016 |
PhD |
Human Osteoarchaeological Research on Stress and Lifeways of Bronze Age populations in North China |
Dembo, Mana |
2016 |
PhD |
Exploring morphological phylogenetics of fossil hominins |
McKerracher, Luseadra |
2016 |
PhD |
The Evolutionary Ecology of Human Lactation: Correlates of Duration of Breastfeeding |
LeBlanc, Katie |
2016 |
PhD |
A Structural Approach to Lapita Design Analysis: Investigation of the Eastern Lapita Province |
Jones, Jennifer |
2016 |
PhD |
Historical Archaeology of Tourism at Port Arthur, Tasmania, 1885-1960 |
Simon, Lisa |
2015 |
MA |
Testing Gerasimov's Two-Tangent Nose Projection Method in Craniofacial Approximations of Children |
Roth, Melissa |
2015 |
MA |
Using Ancient mtDNA to Track Temporal Genetic Changes of Pacific Herring Populations in the Central Coast of British Columbia |
Hardy, Evan |
2015 |
MA |
The Bioarchaeological Examination of the Skeletal Remains of Warring States Period Tuchengzi, Inner Mongolia |
Walker, Alexa |
2015 |
MA |
Ancient Human DNA Research in North America and Abroad: Challenges and Opportunities |
Halseth, Cara |
2015 |
MA |
Reconstructing Northern Fur Seal Population Diversity through Ancient and Modern DNA Data |
Beaulieu, Sarah |
2015 |
MA |
Remembering the Forgotten - Archaeology at the Morrissey WWI Internment Camp |
Dickie, Ryan |
2015 |
MA |
Identifying Microblade Function at EeRb-140 and EeRb-144, Kamloops, British Columbia |
Lynch, Michelle |
2015 |
MA |
Heiltsuk Adoption of Euro-American Material Culture at Old Bella Bella, British Columbia, 1833-1899 |
Huard, Kody |
2015 |
MA |
Expedient Shell Scrapers in the Kingdom of Tonga |
Scott, Audrey |
2015 |
PhD |
The Influence of Surgical Stress on Human Hair Fiber Dimensions |
Carr-Locke, Sarah |
2015 |
PhD |
Indigenous Heritage and Public Museums: Exploring Collaboration and Exhibition in Canada and the United States |
Elliott, Marina |
2015 |
PhD |
Estimating Body Mass In Biological Anthropology: An Evaluation Using Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography |
Darcus, Laurie |
2014 |
MA |
The Cultural Context of Grinding in Northern Ethiopia - An Ethnoarchaeological Approach |
Gustavsen, Jenifer |
2014 |
MA |
Developing a method for assessing the skillfulness and practice time for Upper Palaeolithic artists |
Aloua, Ruth |
2014 |
MA |
Reauthorizing KÇnaka '¦"iwi Heritage Discourse at Kaloko-Honokÿhau National Historical Park, Hawai'i |
Kendall, Heather |
2014 |
MA |
A Rocky Road: Chert Characterization at ST 109, Keatley Creek Site, British Columbia |
Royle, Thomas |
2014 |
MA |
There's More than One Fish in the Sea: Investigating the Composition of Middle and Late Period Fisheries at EeRb-144, British Columbia, Canada through Ancient DNA Analysis |
Ohman, Alexis |
2014 |
MA |
Saltfish vs. Parrotfish: The Role of Fish and Mollusks in English Colonial Foodways at Betty's Hope Plantation, Antiqua, West Indies |
Zimmerman, Kasia |
2014 |
MA |
Changing Ways, Constant Companions: The Ancient DNA and Local Knowledge of Tla'amin Dogs |
Goode, Annique |
2014 |
MA |
Featuring Wetlands: Feature Analysis of Wetland Resource Use at DhRp-52, British Columbia |
Hogg, Erin |
2014 |
MA |
Community Engagement in British Columbia Archaeology |
Connaughton, Sean |
2014 |
PhD |
Emergence and Development of Ancestral Polynesian Society of Tonga |
Schepers, Kathleen |
2013 |
MA |
Do Orangutans Really Laugh? An Investigation into the Existence of Tickle-Induced Play Vocalization among Pongo Pygmaeus at the Orangutan Care Centre and Quarantine in Kalimantan, Indonesia |
Velliky, Elizabeth |
2013 |
MA |
pXRF and Place Names: Painting a Narrative on Squamish Ochre Sources and Rock Art |
Oas, Sarah |
2013 |
MA |
Revisiting Bosumpra: Examining 10,000 years of Plant Use at the Bosumpra rockshelter, Ghana |
Sellers, Ian |
2013 |
MA |
A Historic Archaeology of Nuu-chah-nulth Barkley Sound: Material and Economic Change through the Nineteenth Century |
Freeland, Travis |
2013 |
MA |
Beyond Sourcing: Portable x-ray fluorescence (pXRF) and archaeological ceramics |
Williams, Louise |
2013 |
MA |
Revisiting the Locarno Beach Site (DhRt-6), Vancouver, BC |
Hickok, Andrew |
2013 |
PhD |
Palaeopathological and Palaeoepidemiological Analyses of Treponemal Infection on the Northwest Coast: A Unitarian Perspective |
Klassen, Michael |
2013 |
PhD |
Indigenous Heritage Stewardship and the Transformation of Archaeological Practice: Two Case Studies from the Mid-Fraser Region of British Columbia |
Cockle, Diane |
2013 |
PhD |
Human Decomposition and the Factors that Affect It: A Retrospective Study of Death Scenes in Canada |
Rodrigues, Antonia |
2012 |
MA |
Experimental Investigation into the Preservation and Recovery of Degraded DNA from Sediments |
Tarle, Lia |
2012 |
MA |
Clothing and the replacement of Neanderthals by modern humans |
Capper, Mairi |
2012 |
MA |
Urban Subsistence in the Bronze and Iron Ages: The Palaeoethnobotany of Tell Tayinat, Turkey |
Dielissen, Sandie |
2012 |
MA |
Teaching a School to Talk: Archaeology of the Queen Victoria Jubilee Home for Indian Children |
Balanzategui, Daniela |
2012 |
MA |
Colonial Indigenous and Mastizo Foodways: Ceramic Analysis and Ethnoarchaeology in the Highlands of Ecuador |
Hannis, Kristina |
2011 |
MA |
On the Edge of Change: Shifting Land Use in the Pikani Timber Limit, Porcupine Hills, Alberta |
Jackley, Julia |
2011 |
MA |
Weaving the Histories of Klehkwahnnohm: A Tla’amin Community in Southwest British Columbia |
Moore, Jason |
2011 |
MA |
Comparative Study of Ancient DNA Extraction Methods for Archaeological Plant Remains |
Solomon, Simon |
2011 |
MA |
Shattered Glass and Broken Bones: Pikani Domestic Space 1880-1960 |
Peters, Alana |
2011 |
MA |
The Real Wild West: The Archaeology and History of the 'Casa Grande' |
Ruttle, April |
2011 |
MA |
Risk and Technology: Exploring the Causes of Toolkit Variation among Subsistence Farmers |
LeBlanc, Kathleen |
2011 |
MA |
Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology in Fiji: The Role of Social Processes in Ceramic Diversity |
Pierson, Nova |
2011 |
MA |
Bridging Troubled Waters: Zooarchaeology and Marine Conservation on Burrard Inlet, Southwest British Columbia |
Arndt, Ursula |
2011 |
PhD |
Ancient DNA analysis of north east Pacific humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) |
Johnson, Sarah |
2010 |
MA |
Combining Traditional Knowledge With Archaeological Investigation in Grace Harbour, Desolation Sound, B.C. |
Ewing, Robyn |
2010 |
MA |
Finding Middle Ground: Case Studies in Negotiated Repatriation |
Duke, Guy |
2010 |
MA |
Acequia Maria Mayancela: The San Andrés Canal System, Chimborazo, Ecuador |
McGrath, Krista M. |
2010 |
MA |
The Effects of High Temperature on the Quantity and Quality of Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA in Non-Human Skeletal Remains |
Ritchie, Morgan |
2010 |
MA |
From House to Watershed: The Cultural Landscape of the Sts'ailes People |
Congram, Derek |
2010 |
PhD |
Spatial analysis and predictive modelling of clandestine graves from rearguard repression of the Spanish Civil War |