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Jones International University | About JIU | MBA Content Experts
... RAND Corporation. Rosalie L. Tung, Ph.D. Ming and Stella Wong Professor
of International Business, Simon Fraser University. Roger ... - 49k - Cached - Similar pages
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Business Negotiations With the Japanese
Booksearch Business Negotiations With the Japanese. Author: Rosalie
L. Tung Textbook Binding Lexington Books February, 1984. Links ... - Similar pages

Center Library
... Caligiuri, Paula M., and Rosalie L. Tung. "Comparing the Success of
Male and Female Expatriates from a US-Based Multinational Company ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

Paul Herbig's Working Papers
... Tung, Rosalie L. (1983). “How to Negotiate with the Japanese.” California
Management Review 26/4: 52–77. Tung, Rosalie L. (1982). ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages
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Gérard Verna : Les aspects humains - [ Translate this page ]
... Rosalie Tung cite ainsi l'exemple d'un jeune cadre plein d'avenir muté au Japon
par sa direction pour y compléter sa formation, et dont le séjour tourne au ... - 98k - Cached - Similar pages

Alexia & Stephan Petersen - Recommended reading: General ...
... Intercultural Business Communication (2nd Edition) Author(s): Lillian H. Chaney;Jeanette
S. Martin;Rosalie L. Tung; Browse and buy this book at: Amazon Germany ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

SFU Academic Women Profiles
... Diane Syr, PhD; Rosalie Tung, PhD, Ming and Stella Wong Endowed Chair in International
Business; Judy Zaichkowsky, PhD. Return to: SFU Academic Women. ... - 25k - Cached - Similar pages

ABE Marketing >> BOOKS >> SUBJECT >> economics >> business
... to 640. NEXT 20 records. IEBM Handbook of International Business. Rosalie L.
Tung, International Thomson Publishing. 1999, ISBN: 1-86152-631-8, 209.00 z³. ... html/english/search.php?grid=10&offset=620 - 38k - Cached - Similar pages
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Commerce - What's Been Published
... 0080271871 US--China trade negotiations / by Rosalie L. Tung. 967999922X US-ASEAN
trade : current issues and future strategies / edited by Pamela Sodhy. ... - 54k - Cached - Similar pages
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... 对于那些寻求提高组织效率和效力的人来说,这
是一本值得一读的书。——Rosalie L.Tung(董林学英 ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] OB News
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Page 1. Spring 2002, Page 1 A newsletter published by the Organizational
Behavior Division of the Academy of Management State of ... - Similar pages

ME Sharpe, Inc. - Book Information
... Highly recommended for those who choose to do business in Mexico. -- Rosalie L.
Tung, The Ming and Stella Wong Professor of International Business, Simon ... mall/resultsa.asp?Title=Drawing+Lines+in+Sand+and+Snow%3A+Border+Security+and+North+Amer... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Managing the international enterprise
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... Westport, Conn. : Quorum, 1998. 658.049 MONT The new expatriates : managing human
resources abroad / Rosalie L. Tung. Cambridge, Mass. : Ballinger Pub. ... Managing_the_international_enterprise.pdf - Similar pages

Классики менеджмента - Теория и ...
... Элвин (1928) Toffler, Alvin Трист, Эрик (1909–1993) Trist, Eric
Landsdown Тунг, Розали (1948) Tung, Rosalie L. Уено, Иочи ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

Marketing Research Symposium in China
... Jean-Pierre Helfer France Dr. Hotaka Katahira Japan Prof. Linsu Kim Korea Prof.
Li Jingtai China Dr. KC Mun Hong Kong Dr. Rosalie L. Tung Canada Prof. ... 199311/msg00047.html - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

Institute of Asian Research Annual Report 1 January 1997 - 31 ...
... David Lai (U. Vic), Terry McGee (UBC), Rosalie Tung (SFU), Edgar Wickberg (UBC),
Grace Wong (UBC), and Edward Woo (Chinese Entrepreneurs Society of Canada). ... - 77k - Cached - Similar pages Books / Subjects / Business, Finance & Law ...
... Read more. 14. The IEBM Handbook of International Business (International
Encyclopedia of Business and Management) ~Rosalie Tung. ... - 84k - 9 Feb 2004 - Cached - Similar pages 洋書/ Subjects / Business & Investing ...
... 97. Learning from World Class Companies Rosalie Tung (著), この商
品に最初のレビューを書きませんか? 3,000円のAmazon ... - 55k - Cached - Similar pages

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