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이문화적응 훈련설계를 위한 접근방법
... 5-18. Tung, Rosalie L., (1981), Selection and Training of Personnel for Overseas
Assignments, Columbia Journal of World Business, Vol. 16(Spring), pp. 68-78. ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

Canada Research Chairs - Peer Reviewers
... Tucker, Rod. University of Melbourne. Tugwell, Peter. University of Ottawa. Tung,
Rosalie. Simon Fraser University. Tunnicliffe, Verena. University of Victoria. ... - 36k - 8 Feb 2004 - Cached - Similar pages

... Larkins, Ernest R., "International Taxation." In The Handbook of International
Business ed. Rosalie L. Tung. London: International ... publications/pubs98/books.html - 25k - Cached - Similar pages

... 柳传志:虽然大会主席Rosalie L. Tung博士对媒
体的公开讲话中谈的是对联想的看法,但是 ... - 19k - 9 Feb 2004 - Cached - Similar pages

JIBS : Journal of International Business Studies
... Stephen J. Kobrin, University of Pennsylvania, USA. Rosalie L. Tung, Simon
Fraser University, Canada. Susan P. Douglas, New York University, USA. ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Academic Referencing
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... Further on in the same article, she mentions that Rosalie Tung is often credited
with citing that failure rates range from 20-40% of all assignments. ... - Similar pages

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... Content Expert:Rosalie L. Tung, Ph.D., Ming and Stella Wong Professor of International
Business, Simon Fraser University. 4, MBA 502. ... - Similar pages

... Editorial Yongsun Paik/Rosalie L. Tung Negotiation with East Asians: How to
Attain "Win-win" Outcomes Keith W. Glaister/Peter J Buckley Performance ... - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

AOM Leadership Directory. Committee Rosters
... Tung, Rosalie L. Simon Fraser University, (604) 291-3083, Email. CONFERENCE. ... Tung,
Rosalie L. Simon Fraser University, (604) 291-3083, Email. ... - 85k - Cached - Similar pages

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